Demolishing Strongholds conference begins today

by Ken Ham on March 17, 2006


AiG’s first ever "Demolishing Strongholds" conference, specially geared for high school and college students, begins this evening (Friday). It's still not too late to come!.

Please pray as the various speakers teach the hundreds of young people who will be attending.


During the 30+ years I've been in creation ministry, I've had many tell me the messages were liberating for them. The following email, received yesterday, is from someone who has been liberated---it will also illustrate the havoc that millions of years and evolutionary and compromising teaching in the church has caused among Christians (let alone the rest of the world):

Dear Mr. Ham,

My husband and I attended all 3 evening sessions of your seminar in Avon, Indiana. We were already familiar with your ministry as my husband uses your materials in our home Bible study. Let me tell you why I am so excited about your ministry.

As a child in Sunday school I was traumatized by a comment my Sunday school teacher made about dinosaur bones. I was always getting in trouble for asking questions my teacher couldn't answer. I really just wanted to know, but he thought I was trying to cause trouble and even threatened to "talk" to my dad. I asked where the dinosaur bones came from and he said, "Satan hid them all over the earth to deceive the world." The implication was that if you were a Christian, which he knew I couldn't possibly be, you couldn't believe that dinosaur bones were even real, AND don't even question their existance.

That has hung over my head for 45 years. Even though I gave my life to Jesus many years ago, dinosaurs made me uncomfortable. Children's toys especially made me nervous. There were some little stuffed dinosaur toys in the toybox I keep for my grandchildren and a year ago I gave them to our puppy to chew on. Can you understand how excited I am to embrace dinosaurs?

I am a professional artist and have a mural underway in my grandson's room in Michigan. It is a jungle scene with giraffes, elephants, etc. I can't wait to get there again and throw in a couple of dinosaurs!

Now, I know what to say when people try to make me out to be quite simple for not believing in evolution. In fact, instead of avoiding the subject I have been thinking of people that I need to approach with the subject. What a freeing message for me! I have been stumbling over that dead dinosaur bone for 45 years!

My son-in-law is a pastor and I can't wait to share about the dinosaurs with my 3 grandchildren. They love dinosaurs! I am not sure my son-in-law has considered the subject - I know I never taught my daughter what to believe about them. I have just always avoided the subject.

Of course, all the other subjects are equally facinating. I could go on and on about how I was impacted. I am quite sure all the different subjects you talked on impacted different people in different ways. But, now that I think about it, there is really only one subject, isn't there? The Bible is the true and LIVING Word of God. We can trust it, live by it, and share it with the world, because it has the answers.

Thanks for stopping by,


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