A balloon dinosaur!

by Ken Ham on March 14, 2006

Since my day just consisted of meetings, I thought it would be much more exciting that today’s blog entry would be the report Mike and Lesley Riddle sent to me about their recent trip to Florida---and the remarkable dinosaur that was made of balloons. Mike Riddle is one of our very popular speakers.

Mike and I have just returned from a very full trip to 7 different places in Florida where Mike got to speak 29 times in 11 days. For those of you who heard about Mike's emergency surgery on December 23rd for a ruptured appendix, you can see that God has restored Mike's energy.

We enjoyed each venue and each person we met, from a Baptist Bible College to a Kiwanis luncheon with serveral churches and schools in between. I have attached a picture of a dinosaur that is made entirely of balloons! Russ and Lynette Brown spent hours and hours creating this stegosaurus. It was displayed at their church, Heritage Bible Church in Panama City, FL, for the Wednesday evening "Dinosaurs and the Bible" lecture. Russ and Lynette are standing in front with Mike. Many thanks to them for using their unique gifts for the Lord.

Lesley Riddle

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