The lake, a kangaroo and feedback about Answers magazine

by Ken Ham on March 10, 2006


We praise the Lord for supporters of AiG who donated labor and equipment/parts to install an aeration system in the three-acre lake at the Creation Museum (see photographs). So many people have contributed in various ways to enable this facility to be the high-quality, professional one that it is. There is no doubt that the Creation Museum and AiG offices would cost millions of dollars more were it not for the generosity of God’s people who have sacrificially given to the ministry.


While at the Modesto conference, a young boy (around 10 years old) came up and asked if I would pray for a medical problem he had. He said, “Mr. Ham, will you pray for me? It doesn’t have to be now. I have to see a specialist and I need you to pray for me.” I promised him the staff of AiG would pray for him. The next day at the conference, the young lad presented me with a kangaroo with a tag around its neck stating “made on sixth day.” Today, at a special staff meeting, I presented the toy kangaroo to the AiG staff and we prayed for young Logan (see photograph). Please remember to pray for him too.


Today, AiG is releasing an “accountability statement” to put on our web site. We believe it is important for people to know about the accountability structure of the ministry. This is the statement:

Answers in Genesis (AiG) is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit ministry organization based in the United States of America. AiG operates under a board of directors of godly individuals who establish, maintain and uphold high standards of accountability for the entire ministry. This includes membership in and oversight by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), annual audits by an independent CPA firm and regular consultation with our legal counsel and the Christian Law Association to make sure the ministry does all things excellently as unto the Lord. All annual governmental filings required by law are complied with in a diligent manner (e.g., IRS filings).

The AiG ministry has always relied on the advice, wisdom and review of the very best international scientists available, including leading geologists, geneticists, astronomers, paleontologists and theologians. The majority of these professionals have no official association with AiG, except a common desire to develop the most excellent information and materials possible, to honor Christ, to advance the church and to further the growing community spirit of Christian scientists who love God’s Word.

AiG’s commitment to excellence extends to every facet of the ministry, from the website to publications and the future Creation Museum. For instance, the Creation Museum has a committed board of Ph.D. content experts in a number of fields, both inside and outside the ministry, who are consulted about every exhibit. These respected scientists review each other’s work and work closely with AiG staff to ensure that the ministry presents the very best that the Christian scientific community has to offer.

Answers in Genesis believes in accountability. Our foremost accountability is to God as we daily serve Him. Secondly, we stand accountable to the gracious people who support the AiG ministry with their prayers and donations. Lastly, the CEO and staff are accountable to a godly board of directors. As we stand and speak in defense of the Holy Scriptures from the very first verse in Genesis to an increasingly hostile world, AiG would covet your prayers, and we thank you for your friendship.


Dear Ken Ham and Dr. Lisle,

Thank you so much for coming to Modesto. My six children and I got a lot out of the teaching. They were exhausted by Monday evening but still wanted to come back on Tuesday night. The Lord Bless you both.


AiG’s inaugural issue of the new Answers magazine will be mailed June 1. We’ve been advertising it at our conferences, and the response has been amazing! We have been obtaining double the normal number of magazine subscriptions at seminars. People are thrilled with the worldview emphasis and the many other special features that will make this a world-class publication. It will also be practical and be for the whole family with a special children’s lift-out that will be like a children’s magazine in itself. The magazine will have a variety of articles and authors, foldout charts, and also have a special associated web feature for each issue—many unique aspects to enable people to be equipped to uphold the authority of the Word of God and defend the Christian faith. Don’t miss your inaugural issue! Go to:

Today I was interviewed for over an hour by a reporter for the Chicago Tribune (one of the biggest newspapers in the nation). The reporter is writing a special feature on the creation/evolution issue across America.

On Saturday, Mally and I drive to Indianapolis to meet up with Buddy and Kay Davis for an AiG conference Saturday evening through Monday evening. We will get back sometime after midnight Monday night. Please pray for the conference.

Thanks for stopping by,


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