Zhe Clampitt visits AiG

by Ken Ham on March 1, 2006

We were privileged to have Zhe Clampitt (see photograph), an MIT graduate, visit AiG Wednesday and play the violin at staff devotions! Once again, our staff were blessed by a special guest who loves the Lord and His Word!


A Washington DC-based correspondent and photographer for the London (UK) Daily Telegraph visited AiG all day Wednesday. I spent over two hours answering questions and showing them around. They spoke to various members of the Museum Team (including Mike Zovath and Patrick Marsh) and also interviewed Dr. Jason Lisle.

I spoke to the reporter while the photographer took various shots. The reporter was very cordial and asked good questions, showing he really wanted to understand the issues as we see them. Please pray for him as he writes the article.


I was interviewed by CDR Christian radio for a special program they are putting together on the trustworthiness of the Bible. Please also pray that this program will benefit high school and college students, particularly.

Wednesday night Mally and I flew to San Diego. Thursday we will attend the memorial service for Dr. Henry Morris. We are sure that this celebration of his life will be a wonderful time of remembrance---the Lord is good.

Thanks for stopping by,


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