Wet Christmas!

by Ken Ham on December 26, 2005

It was a wet Christmas day in Northern Kentucky! We spent a quiet day with family and friends—I cooked a leg of lamb for Christmas dinner (a traditional Aussie dinner), and my wife and daughters made various other dishes.

But there was another aspect of water that meant a lot to us today—and was a special reminder of what Christmas is all about. Our six-year-old grandson, Malachi, was baptized at the end of the Christmas service at the church our son Nathan and his family attend. About two weeks ago, Malachi told his parents he wanted to trust the Lord Jesus as his Savior. Malachi was baptized as an outward sign of what happened in his heart. That is the meaning of Christmas. I’ve attached a photograph—it’s a little blurry, but it’s the only one that really turned out.

Hope you all had a special day and thanks for stopping by,


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