Guest Blog—Rod Martin: War of the Worldviews

by Ken Ham on December 19, 2005

Rod Martin is the Director of Internet Outreach at AiG–USA. He has two master’s degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary and has pastored in churches at various levels for 12 years. Before joining the staff of AiG, he was the Director of Ministry at the largest Christian conference center in Canada. Rod will also be one of the speakers at next year’s student conference, Demolishing Strongholds.

One of the exciting things for me as a former youth pastor (many “moons” ago) is to see the interest from high school and college-age students in the creation message. Ken has blogged a number of times about students who come up and speak to him after a presentation, and we get a lot of feedback on the website from students who are just so thrilled to know that a person can trust the Bible from the very first verse.

There are many amazing stories I could share, but I want to focus on two things that are going on for students right now.

First, the new book from some of our speakers, War of the Worldviews, is flying out of the warehouse—and with good reason. As you already know, we live in a world (especially in North America) that is becoming more and more hostile to the cause of Christ. Students learn from kindergarten (and even before, if they watch PBS) that something called “evolution” explains where we came from, starting millions and millions of years ago. This indoctrination causes children and youth to question the reality of God, especially in their college years. It is a war—don’t think it is anything less. This book highlights what the issues are today, and what you need to know in order to maintain a biblical worldview.

Another exciting feature of this book is the writing competition it has spawned. The “War of the Worldviews Research Paper Contest” is a great opportunity for students to submit papers they have written for a class to AiG for grading by some of our best authors and speakers.

The rules are fully outlined on the contest page, but briefly: high school and college students may submit a paper that has already been written, submitted and graded for a class and that uses the War of the Worldviews book and quotes at least one article from our website. There is a form that must be submitted along with the paper. You can get all the rules and forms at the contest page. Oh, and did I mention the prize?—a Windows-based laptop computer!

So, all you budding authors and scientists out there in high school and college—send us your best!

As Ken would say, thanks for stopping by and keep praying!

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