Guest Blog—Dr. Terry Mortenson

by Ken Ham on December 13, 2005

Ken is on some well-deserved vacation and is offline for a change! We’ve asked some of our speakers to do some “guest blogs” so Ken can enjoy his time off. Today’s guest blog is from Dr. Terry Mortenson. Terry has a Ph.D. in the history of geology from the University of Coventry in England. He has a new DVD, Millions of Years: Where Did the Idea Come From? and is one of the authors in War of the Worldviews.

Some days are sad for us all. This week my wife (Margie) and I visited an elderly long-time friend who is dying of pancreatic cancer. He is in hospice care now and it would appear that he does not have many more days to live. Several of his children are believers and have shared the gospel with him on more than one occasion over the years. He’s also been to the Christmas programs that his grandchildren have been involved with. So he has heard the gospel many times. Although by human standards, he has been a good man who has provided for his family, an honest hard-working farmer, and a good neighbor to others, he has lived life without God and largely indifferent to Him and His Word and to His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

On our visit this week, we were able to get about 45 minutes with him as he lay quietly in weakness in his hospice bed at his home. We asked him, if God judged him by the standard of the Ten Commandments, would he be guilty or innocent. Sadly and incredibly, he responded “innocent.” We asked if we could read some scriptures to him and he agreed. I read Isaiah 53 (emphasizing the word “all” about sinners), Romans 3:9–21 (emphasizing the words “none” and “every”) and many other passages about sin and the gospel. It was a very calm, quiet and peaceful time and Margie gently stroked his arm and hand as we talked. We left him with the words of 1 John 1:8 and 1:10 and then briefly summarized what he needed to say to God in his heart (even if he couldn’t speak with his mouth) as an expression of his repentance and faith in Christ. We said our good-byes and left the room with heavy hearts. It is sad to see a dying man of 82 be so stubbornly proud as he faces death.

For this friend of ours, and for friends and relatives you know who don’t know Christ’s love and forgiveness, please pray that the two-edged sword of the Word would do its mighty work (Hebrews 4:12) with the convicting power of the Holy Spirit (John 16:8–11) and that the kindness of God would bring them to repentance (Romans 2:4) before it is too late.

We are privileged to serve a merciful and patient Creator. And we are so thankful that He became a man in Jesus Christ to become our Savior from sin and death. What an indescribable gift!

We at AiG wish you all a blessed Christmas with your loved ones. May you grow deeper in your appreciation of all that He has done for you.

Thanks for your prayers.


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