Bonjour Y'all!

by Ken Ham on November 3, 2005

Today a video team from France spent most of the day at the office to film for a 50-minute French Current Affairs program (they said it’s like a French version of the well-known Sixty Minutes Program. I was videotaped while we did a detailed walk-through of the museum, then we did a video interview in my office—it all took a few hours. The French reporter had done his homework—he had read many articles on our website and he seemed to basically understand the main thrust of our message—I was impressed. They were very cordial.

Towards the end of the time with the French crew, a cameraman and reporter from the local FOX 19 channel came out to do a report on the museum. They also did an interview with me and then filmed part of the interview I did with the French reporter. They then interviewed the French reporter to ask him why they came to the USA to do this report on the Creation Museum and AiG.

Museum Videos

Also today, a video team from the Michigan company producing many of our video segments for the Creation Museum was here to film Dr. Emil Silvestru, Mike Oard and me. After the French video team and the FOX news people had finished, I was then filmed for some of the Creation Museum segments. After this, we did a walk-through of the whole museum (my second for the day) with me videoed explaining the whole museum, the message, the exhibits, etc. We will use this for a number of purposes and also to document what we are doing for historical purposes.

It turned into another loooong day!

Also, you should check out the museum blog later this morning. Ken Wilt, one of our museum staff, has produced an excellent video documenting the largest "Behind the Scenes" tour we've had to date.

Special Guest

Our special guest for our staff chapel this morning was Pastor Curt DeGraaf, Senior Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church (this is the church our family attends). I have attached a photograph of Pastor DeGraaf and myself taken in our boardroom this morning.

This week has kept me so busy—media, and more media! At the same time, we’ve had some plumbing and electrical problems at home (it always seems such problems arise at the worst possible times!). Praise the Lord for friends who have been willing to step in and help my wife because of the need for me to talk with the various secular media. They will continue to work on our home problems while we are away this week. Tomorrow (Friday), Mally and I leave for nine days. Firstly, to Tennessee for a worldview conference where I’m speaking Friday night—then to California for a very intensive round of speaking engagements Monday and Tuesday—then visiting friends in San Diego for a couple of days—then to Kansas for another worldview conference where I have to do my talks twice because so many registered—see the events calendar for more details.

Please pray for all the coming meetings and for safe travel.

Thanks for stopping by,


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