Poodle detective

by Ken Ham on November 2, 2005

I've become a "poodle detective!" Recently at AiG, unknown to me, one of the museum staff used photographs of the various speakers to produce life-size cutouts. These are used around the museum area for special tour days (like the Behind the Scenes programs) to promote some of our favorite resources.

When I was in the museum this week, I noticed someone had added something to my cutout! It looks real---but I'm glad it's not! What would I do with a degenerate mutant poodle anyway?!

It is well-known that I talk about poodles as part of my lecture on natural selection to make it entertaining. I must admit, it is true that I explain there would be no poodles if there was no sin!

As a result of this part of my lecture, people have been sending me various sizes and colors of toy poodles which I have begun using to decorate the bookcases in my office!

I suspect that a staff member is responsible for the addition to my cutout---so I've become a "poodle detective" to see if I can find out who carried out this creative idea!

It is good that as a staff we can have those times of fun together---and staff know I have a good (though warped, some would say) sense of humor to enjoy such things.

As I didn't do much today (for a change) except---yes, mow the lawn again, take my wife out to lunch, and drop into the office for a few minutes---I thought you would enjoy the story about the poodles.

Tomorrow (Thursday) is a big day: a special guest at our morning chapel, a TV interview with a 60 Minutes-type program from France, an interview with FOX 19 (the local FOX channel), and videotaping segments to be used in the Creation Museum exhibits. Friday, Mally and I take off for speaking engagements in Tennessee, California and Kansas. Find out more about the next week's meetings I'm involved in from our events calendar on the AiG website.

Thanks for stopping by,


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