60 Minutes---Australia

by Ken Ham on November 1, 2005

This afternoon, I spent four hours being interviewed by Richard Carleton from the Channel Nine (Australia) television program 60 Minutes. It was great to hear all the Aussie accents! They were a very professional crew. Of course, I have no idea how they will put this program together—but we pray they will fairly represent AiG’s position. Richard asked some hard, searching questions, and I did my best to answer them as best I could. This program will air in Australia either within the next 2–3 weeks or early in the new year after their summer break (yes—Australia is “down under,” so summertime is coming!).

The photograph is of Richard Carleton interviewing me in our boardroom after we spent about three hours walking through the entire museum exhibit area.


Dr. Emil Silvestru (Romanian cave geologist working with the creation ministry in Canada) and Mike Oard (retired meteorologist and AiG adjunct speaker/writer) are spending the week at AiG to assist the Creation Museum team with scripts for the exhibit construction. The enclosed photograph shows them working with one of our graphic artists and our main scriptwriter (Mike Matthews).

Well, I survived my dentist appointment this morning! Then I rushed back to the office for a staff meeting and an hour-long Christian radio interview. I had lunch with Emil and Mike and then spent four hours with the 60 Minutes crew. I then attended a leadership meeting till early evening. It was a looong day! Mark Looy told me of another major secular media group who called today to line up an interview with me (in addition to all those already scheduled). We really do average one media request per day lately.

Thanks for stopping by—and please pray concerning the various secular media as they produce programs based on interviews with us at AiG.


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