The King Always Has One More Move

by Ken Ham on October 21, 2005

We had a special guest at our staff chapel this morning. Dr. David Crandall, who heads up Gospel Literature Services out of Chicago, and who is also one of the Creation Museum Advisory Board members, spoke to the staff on the theme of "The King Always Has One More Move." In his usual energetic and dynamic presentation style, Dr. Crandall reminded us that no matter what sort of "box canyon" we seem to be in, the King always has one more move. His message reminded me of the number of battles we had in obtaining land and getting the zoning and building permits to see the Creation Museum become a reality. A number of times it looked, from a human perspective, as if we wouldn’t be able to continue---but "the King always had one more move." What a great message.

AiG has worked closely with GLS in translation ministry and distributing literature at the Olympic Games in Sydney and Greece. We also direct people to GLS when there is need for disaster relief funds---GLS is set up to take donations for such a need and provide resources as needed. We praise the Lord for the work of GLS and the close relationship we have with them.


"Happy Birthday, Brother Ken! You came into my life just about a year ago, and though you couldn't know it, you have been an immeasurable blessing to me. Your messages and your work with AiG have not only strengthened my faith and enhanced my daily walks with God, they have also provided a great focus for my inntellectual development. There could be no better way to keep my mind, heart, and spirit growing and expanding than studying science God's way. Thanks to all of you at AiG, and extra-special wishes to you, Brother Ken, on this day!


After chapel this morning, I spent time scripting out an ending for a video AiG is producing on the Katrina disaster, and a greeting to the UK AiG ministry for the opening of their offices in their new location in Leicester, England in Novemenber. After this, the video team filmed me as I read the scripts from a teleprompter. This all took quite a long time so we could do it right. I finished this by noon, just in time to race downstairs to the pastors' luncheon being held today. I then addressed the pastors concerning the ministry of AiG. From there I met with the outreach director concerning various aspects of our seminar ministry---I then spent time with our special guest Dr. Crandall in discussing ways we can work together to get AiG materials into the hands of people around the world. Then home to a special birthday meal with all of our kids and grandkids.

Tomorrow (Friday) begins with a video shoot at 7:30 am at the office, then having my photograph taken with each family visiting for the Behind the Scenes tour (over 700 people expected). I will also be making three presentations so all will have the opportunity to hear a message on the importance of the Creation Museum and the relevance of Genesis.

On Saturday, we have a fund-raising banquet at the Creation Museum. People are coming in from various places across the country---the program actually begins Friday evening with a dinner and then Saturday visiting various places around Cincinnati---followed by the official banquet on Saturday evening.

Thanks for praying---and always remember, "the King always has one more move."


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