The end of a very busy week

by Ken Ham on October 15, 2005


On Thursday this past week, Shaun and Sarah T. Bao visited AiG. Shaun’s great-great-grandfather was an emperor in China in the last Qing Dynasty. This was before the Republic of China. A quote from the September 24, 2005, article in the Star-Telegram:

“I am confident our nation not only will become an economic superpower, but we will be a Christian nation,” said Bao, who has a fascinating history. He is a member of a Chinese royal family and was born in one of the palaces of Beijing’s Forbidden City. But his family suffered greatly under the communist Cultural Revolution.”

Shaun is also a scientist and president and founder of Faithtec Chemical Building Materials. Shaun is a religious leader in China who works with Christian business men to help teach them to serve in society using their faith to transform the culture.

Shaun and Sarah were wide-eyed as they slowly walked through each room of the museum. They drank in each explanation of the exhibit and its connection to the biblical accounts. As they moved down the creation walk, they were fascinated with concept of the 7 C’s and the fact that it was a walk through biblical history from Genesis to Revelation. They plainly love the Lord and were moved by what the Lord is doing here.

Shaun said he would love to see AiG build a museum over in China after we open in April 2007. He feels it would be tremendously visited and a critical educational tool. When asked about a prayer request, he said that 90% of the Chinese people have not heard of Jesus. The educated and intellectuals are misled by evolution, and right now there is no “second voice” in China. AiG can help to become that “second voice.” He is excited about working on the translation of materials and the possibility of his return to AiG in February for a devotion and even the filming (by our video ministry) of his testimony.

While Shaun and Sarah visited, The AiG–US and AiG–Australia boards had their photograph taken together with them. See the attached photograph—what a historic moment this was.


The final teaching message given to the staff by AiG’s board chairman Don Landis will be available on Monday on my video archive page.


My wife, daughters and I attended the AiG Conference in Boise. This was our first time to hear Ken Ham and Buddy Davis in person, and it was our introduction to Dr. Menton and his presentations. How wonderful! I am reminded again that I don’t have enough faith to be an evolutionist! The ministries of these men have had a tremendous impact in our lives for Christ, giving us solid answers as we raise our girls. Thank God for their courage and efforts. In his name.


Today, Dr. Jason Lisle and I were interviewed at the Creation Museum for a TV documentary. I was also interviewed by a Christian radio station to promote the Tenessee program Buddy Davis and I will be at this weekend.

Tonight, I watched a DVD with Mally and our daughters Danielle and Kristel. I’ll be mowing the lawn tomorrow before I leave. It’s a great time to relax after a busy week! Please pray for this event in Tennessee. Tomorrow, I will include the report Terry Mortenson sent of his latest speaking engagements.

Thanks for stopping by,


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