More from Boise

by Ken Ham on October 9, 2005


After church this morning, I met with a video crew out of New York for a three hour interview. The interview was conducted by an orthodox Jew—he was a very nice person, but obviously one who does not accept that Jesus is the Messiah. He believed that there are many paths to God. Anyhow, we did have quite an in-depth discussion—please pray for him. The whole crew were amazed and very impressed with what AiG is doing at the Creation Museum.


It is so thrilling to receive so many responses from the Boise (Idaho) conference. Here are some more:

“For me, the conference was a life-changing experience, something I’m not sure can ever be duplicated. Hearing what I did of the speakers, the fabulous material covered, feeling the Spirit there, the love that was shared by all who worked and attended the conference, has made an impact on my life that simply cannot be measured in words. To take that message home to share with my family, to spread the word with friends and to have been a part of it all, has blessed me in so many ways, I can’t begin to describe it. All of the incredible people from Answers in Genesis, Ken Ham, Buddy Davis, Dr. Menton, Steve and Mary Carmack, James, Kay, they all touched me and blessed me with their knowledge and spirit.”

“May God continue to bless AiG, FIGI and you for all your hard work, dedication and devotion to this vital message that needs to get out to our society.”

“What a wonderful conference! I am nearly speechless—meaning that words don’t seem adequate to take in the impact and on-going effect from this presentation of truth! Now we continue to pray ... asking that the materials that went out will be used, read, played, heard ... over and over again. The question does come to my mind—‘How soon will there be another conference?’”

“We are beginning a checkout library in our church, and it will be well stocked with material of all kinds from AIG! I am accompanying my daughter and granddaughter to a national conference in Ohio this week, and we are hoping to make the trip down to see the museum in Cincinnati.”

God bless you all for your vision and your efforts and investment of time and labor!”

“I appreciated several things about the conference:

  1. Buddy Davis, who took the time for a picture with his little dinosaur friend that I can use with kids in the Bolivian Christian orphanage I’m working with. He even said, ‘Please give my greetings to the kids.’ This was before he began doing his job of working with our Idaho kids. He made the extra effort and time to allow us to take a couple shots that will bless the Bolivian orphans. He was extremely thoughtful and REALLY interested in ministering in a quality way. He also gave me advice on getting Spanish-speaking AIG material. We LOVED his attitude of service (as well as his panoply of talents)!
  2. We loved all the local help including the geology exhibit and helpful ushers.
  3. The professional presentations were outstanding.
  4. It was well-organized and ran on the expected schedule. People could count on you and your team and Ken’s team. And it was great to have it at the Vineyard; I know our people were pleased to have you there!”

Monday is a busy day. In fact, this is a very busy week—three days of AiG’s board meeting, many visitors, many decisions to be made—we definitely appreciate your prayers!

Thanks for stopping by, Ken

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