Rocked My World!

by Ken Ham on October 4, 2005

Tonight (Tuesday), at the last session of the Boise AiG conference, a man came to me and said, “I attended your seminar here seven years ago, and it rocked my world.” He then went on to say that he is bringing his son up on AiG material—he introduced me to his son who said he remembered me teaching him “were you there” at the previous conference.

A young girl (she looked around 10-12) came up to me tonight and asked me to sign her cap. She then said “Mr. Ham, can you write ‘Defending the Faith’ and then sign that?” To me, all the travel, staying in noisy hotels, eating junk food, missing meals, missing sleep is worth it to see young people like this turned on fire for the Lord!

One lady came up and said , “I don’t know how to thank you—you have no idea what this has meant to me—I have never heard this before.” She then burst into tears, and as she walked away, she said, “I will be praying for you—and for your wife—thank you so much.”

Another lady told me she remembered hearing me speak in 1987—the first year we came to the USA. She said it was only a small meeting—she was so thrilled to see the thousands now attending the Boise conference and she was excited at how well known the ministry had become.

Again—as is usual at such programs, many many people thanked me and the others and gave all sorts of exciting testimonies re how the ministry had changed their lives.

We sent six palletts of resources out to this seminar—and there’s not much left—we ran out of a number of items. Lots of resources are going out into the community to influence lives and continue making the grassroots change that is occurring throughout the nation.

Salvation “From a Book”

I received this email today:

“Tom spoke at a church in NC this weekend and when we were setting up the book table, a lady came up to us and told us about reading A is for Adam with her 5-year old son. When they got to the part about our names being written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, he asked if his name was written there. She told him ‘No, not yet.’ He wanted to pray right away, but she held him off long enough to make sure he understood salvation and asking God to forgive him for his sins, etc. Then he prayed.”

Exciting Testimony

Another exciting email today:

“I have written you once before, but now I’m feeling extremely led to write to you again—I am a sophomore at University. I currently am double majoring in psychology and biological sciences. I must say that as a woman aspiring to be a scientist, you and your ministry have changed my life. Since I have discovered your ministry I have been on fire for creationism (and that was about four years ago!) I now feel a strong calling towards the creation ministry and I feel that it is something that God wants me to do with my life. As a side note, I just want to tell you how much your ministry means to me. A close friend of mine since high school was an avid atheist and evolutionist, but after a lot of prayer (and many long talks and references to your videos, books and website) he has now denounced his faith in evolution and is well on his way to becoming a Christian!

Also, you have given me the confidence I need to stand up and challenge my very secular professors that preach evolution as truth. Now, students in my classes can see that they don’t have to believe the ‘truths’ they are being force fed. I thank you so much for your ministry and for you, Mr. Ham. You are my role model and I look up to you more than you’ll probably ever realize.

I thank you for your time, and God bless you!! Keep up the good work!”

Notes like this remind me of how important the ministry of Answers in Genesis really is in the world—Thank you.

Well—I’ll get to bed late tonight and then up very early in the morning (4:00 am) for flights back to Salt Lake City and on to Cincinnati.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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