Thousands Reached in Boise

by Ken Ham on October 3, 2005

Today in Boise, Idaho, over 2,000 kindergarten through grade six and around 1,500 junior and senior high students attended the special school programs associated with the AiG conference. For the K–6 program, Buddy Davis sang, I spoke, and Buddy showed off his “fire breathing dragon” and all sorts of other items that the children loved. Many came up afterward wanting their photograph taken with Buddy and his puppet dinosaur, Levi. So many parents thanked us for what this teaching has and is doing for their children. I’ve enclosed a photograph of the children in the main auditorium this morning.

I spoke to the junior and senior high students covering many different examples from biology, geology, anthropology etc., showing that observational science confirms the Bible’s history in Genesis. I also talked on the relevance of Genesis relating the creation/evolution issue to moral issues.

Tonight, the auditorium was once again filled with overflow to the chapel as people poured in for the second night of the AiG conference. Buddy is also conducting children’s workshops tonight and tomorrow night—both are fully booked with children on a waiting list. There is so much hunger for this ministry.

One father came up and introduced me to his sons. He told me that many years ago, the ministry of AiG had greatly influenced him. One of the teenage sons then said, “And now he’s passed that on to us—the next generation.” These young men were so thrilled with the ministry. One mother told me as a result of an AiG seminar she went to years ago, her children have all been brought up on AiG material. She said that as a result her children do not question God’s Word—they in fact defend the Christian faith to others.

Another lady introduced me to her 14-year-old son. She told me that he came to our AiG conference in Boise seven years ago. As a result, when he was at a museum and was being told about millions of years etc., he kept asking, "Were you there? How do you know?” He has never forgotten the main things we taught to the children at the conference. Now, he’s a teenager who is on fire for the Lord.

Well, I heard so many other similar testimonies and lots of people had questions about various aspects of creation/evolution/Genesis etc.

It was a long day today. I feel like I’ve been speaking all day, actually I have!

Tomorrow, we are meeting with the local committee who sponsored the seminar for a BBQ—then I have a radio interview to do—then the final session for the last day of the conference.

Thanks for stopping by!


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