Today (Sunday, as I write this) all over the country, people remembered 9/11—the day terrorists struck the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City.
Also today, people are remembering those affected by Hurricane Katrina.
We need to pray for President Bush and the government leaders—two of the worst disasters to ever hit America have occurred in the past four years. I understand that President Bush has declared this coming Friday as a day of prayer. As we set this time aside to pray, we also need to pray for the great spiritual needs of this country—a nation that has all but abandoned the biblical foundation it was built upon.
I mentioned to you in an earlier blog that a southern gospel quartet (The Stamps) visited our office and gave our staff and guests a free concert. The singers stood near our lake in the sun, while we are sat in the shade.
I am typing this just an hour before I leave for the airport to travel to Dallas, Texas. I will be speaking Monday morning to all the students at a Bible college. I then have a meeting with a local business man, then we are conducting a Creation Museum fundraising banquet Monday evening. I also speak Tuesday and Wednesday before flying home Wednesday evening.
Please pray for the meetings I’m speaking at and also the museum fundraiser.
Please continue to pray for the hurricane victims and also consider supporting AiG’s outreach to help Mississippi public school students affected by the disaster:
Thanks for stopping by,
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.