Prayer is the Key

by Ken Ham on June 13, 2005

Prayer Is Key

Each morning at AiG, the staff meet either as departments or all together for announcements, special speakers, devotions and PRAYER. The photograph is of the web team (who just completed a fantastic redesign of the web site) as they praise the Lord for His help during the redesign. If you haven’t signed up to be a prayer partner with AiG, then make sure you visit our prayer page and sign up today.

Web Team Meeting for Prayer

Volunteers on the Road

AiG has a number of volunteers who travel and run video programs at churches and other places. This past week we received these reports from Bob and Jan Thompson:

This report was sent to Carl Kerby about the showing of his "Best Evidence" DVD (one of our most popular videos):

Greetings from UP NORTH in Minnesota! I just had to grab this opportunity we have with wireless internet here at my nephew’s where we are parked . . . to thank you for your ministry and the blessing you have been to Bob & I. Last Sunday evening we showed “What’s the Best Evidence” as the closing message at the Farmington Bible Baptist Church in southern Minnesota, (our first Creation Video Seminar). The response was exciting! and we sold all of the DVDs we had with us and hopefully those who didn’t get them went home to order on their own! Then this morning as I looked at Ken’s Blog and saw the pics from the Pastors Luncheon, my heart was really full of joy when I saw the group picture!!! What a blessing! Thanks, Carl, for all you are doing at AiG. We pray for Masami as your helpmate in this ministry, with joy!

Bob and Jan also sent the following report to me this past Friday:

Yes sir! We are sooo blessed to be sharing the message of Answers in Genesis out here as we travel. Last Sunday we showed “Dinosaurs, Genesis & the Gospel” to the whole Sunday School, all ages, in Farmington, MN south of Minneapolis. The 200 people there were so excited and about 100 returned in the evening to listen to “Only One Race” and “What’s the Best Evidence?” The children had a Buddy Davis evening!! Thanks for allowing us to do this Creation Video Seminar ministry. These two old fossils are totally energized as we have requested of our Father Psalm 71:18 “and even when we’re old & gray. . . ." God bless you and Mally as you travel. We love you & pray always for you both. Hugs & prayers"

What a dear couple we have in Bob and Jan! As Bob said to me recently, “while we have strength and health, we want to use our time on earth to reach people with the creation/gospel message.”

Buddhist on Website

We received this intriguing email last week:

What a terrific web site! I’ll be sure to show it to my son (19 years old). He is a Christian and a Creationist. I am a Buddhist and an Evolutionist. We have many lively discussions on this issue. Each of us respecting the others position.

Great Feedback

We receive emails, letters, and phone calls every day at AiG. We can’t share them all with you, but we try to highlight some so you can share in these blessings with us:

I just read the first chapter of WHY THEY WON’T LISTEN. I received the LORD in 1976. Whenever I saw anything to do with evolution I started questioning my faith and would sink into a deep depression. I didn’t realize it at the time but what I needed was ‘creation evangelism’. The Lord answered my prayers by getting into my hands two books, THE GENESIS FLOOD, and MANY INFALLIBLE PROOFS. I am so grateful for the work you are doing. My father says evolution is the reason he cannot accept Chrisitiany. I suscribed him to CREATION magazine and am showing him videos I ordered from AIG. Thank you again for defending the Bible from the first verse. It is the only way to have a firm foundation—PS God has greatly comforted me through the book WALKING IN THE SHADOWS concerning health problems. Again I thank you!

“Wow” for Web Redesign

WOW! And I thought the last site design was impressive, so much so that when it was time for me to redesign one of my client’s sites (today), I visited yours this morning for color scheme ideas. This afternoon, a colleague told me that your site had just been redesigned. Though I thought he was joking with me, the truth was quickly confirmed.

Anyway, I've often thought of volunteering my time for any web-related assistance you may need, but if I didn't think you needed any help then, I'm *positive* of that fact now.


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