Another busy day in the life of AiG!

by Ken Ham on May 10, 2005

On Monday, at 10:30 am I met with a reporter and photographer from the Cincinnati Enquirer. The reporter is writing a profile on me and AiG. This will be a substantial article. They also photographed Mark Looy and Mike Zovath. The three of us are called the "founding fathers" of AiG--USA!

After the photographing session at AiG the photographer and reporter came out our house to photograph Mally and myself. They decided on a photo outside as we were walking our dog Minty! Who knows, our dog may get her photo in the newspaper! The reporter then interviewed Mally to get more insights into me! Mally is not used to doing such things so I had our daughter Renee stay with her. Renee said Mally did a great job with the interview. I"ll be interested to read what she said about me!

I met with various people during the day about many different things, including finalizing book orders for up coming meetings, which includes the big Home School Conference in Illinois in just over a week's time.

Around 4:00 pm I raced home to run the tractor mower over the lawn as I am going to Denver for two days. It takes me about an hour to mow the main part of our lawn. While I'm on the tractor I try to take the time to pray about many things—personal needs and the needs of the ministry/Museum etc.

At 6:00 pm Mally and I went to the AiG office for a special dinner we organized for our leadership team (VP's and Directors and Spouses). I had asked Pastor Kevin Landis from Delhi Bible Chapel to speak to us. He gave a challenging message about guarding our hearts, not giving in to pride, loving each other, and keeping our eyes focused on the Lord Jesus. I then gave a quick tour through the facility to show all the latest things happening in the various sections.

A few days ago, I told you about the pastor in La Crosse Wisconsin who announced to his church on the Sunday after our AiG conference that he had already heard of three people who committed their lives to the Lord. The chairpersons of the committee sent me an email today with more details.


You had asked that I write to you and tell you about the decisions that people had made for the Lord at the La Crosse conference.

The first one I think that you already knew about, the little girl that wantd to be in the Lambs Book of Life. She prayed with her mom while in Stacia's workshop on Friday night. Praise God!

The second and third were adults, a man in his late 40's and a woman in her late 60's. They both told me a similar story. They had been on the "edge" of accepting the Lord as their Savior for many years, but were not able to fully accept the truth of the gospel because of doubts that they had concerning the reliability of the Bible. After hearing your presentations on the authority of Scripture and the darkness of evolution was exposed, the "light" went on in their minds for the first time, it all made sense to them and they were able to surrender their hearts completely to the Lord!!! Praise God!!

Again, I want to thank you for coming to La Crosse. After Rob and I first heard your presentation on the authority of the Bible, we had a great burden in our hearts to have everyone that we knew and cared for hear it too. We realized that they would not be willing to go far to hear it, thus the only option was to bring it to them. As I mentioned before, this has been the prayer on my heart for the last 8 years. God has really annointed you with a gift for delivering this message in a very clear and penetrating way. Your words pierce right to people's hearts. Thank you for coming.

I would also like to pass along my thanks to your wife. She has had to sacrifice much in order for you to travel and do conferences. I appreciate her gift to the world. I know from experience with my own husband traveling for work that the task of being supportive in the absence of my spiritual "head" is a difficult one. I imagine that there are times that she (and your children), would really rather that you stayed with them. Please tell her thank you for me.

Again, thank you and the rest of the staff at Answers In Genesis ministry for coming to La Crosse. Please know that we will continue to lift up the ministry in prayer.

Because He Lives, Robin Smith-Weaver Rob Weaver

I so appreciate their comment about my wife (the same is true of other speakers). Without the sacrifice that Mally has made over the years, I could not have been able to do all the things the Lord has enabled us to accomplish. Supportive wives behind the scenes are so vital to the success of the ministry. As I was sitting in my office today, I was looking over our three acre lake watching staff and volunteers building the board walk as a part of our teaching nature trail. They are doing such a great job. I've enclosed photographs of their work. What a blessing it is to see this becoming a reality! What a blessing it is to have such dedicated and talented staff and volunteer labor. The Lord is so good.

Well — I am catching a plane to Denver first thing in the morning. John Pence (our planned giving Director/legal adviser) and myself are joining our consultant family wealth counseling expert Jay Link, and our video department director Paul Varnum to film me interviewing two families. These families recently went through a program with Jay Link—he has basically invented a special type of family wealth counseling that involves spiritual and financial planning. Jay shows people that many taxes can legally be avoided and much more financial support can be made available for ministry and heirs. The video we make will be sent to AiG supporters to show them about this intriguing and powerful program.

Thanks for stopping by and keep praying!


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