“A Sweet Smelling Aroma”

by Dr. Georgia Purdom on October 2, 2012

Over the last several weeks, I have been so blessed to receive many messages on my Facebook page from people telling me how the AiG ministry has changed their lives. These testimonies from fellow believers shine even more brightly amid all the nasty posts from those in disagreement with us (and it’s really not us they are mad at; it’s God).

I wanted to share just a few of them and let you know how thankful I am. It is truly humbling how God has used this ministry for His glory!

I have only recently gone back online to catch up on my emails and found two editions of your ‘blog’ [see here and here] in which you mention the reaction to your YouTube video. My first thought was to refer you to 2nd Timothy chapter 3, my second – for what its worth and I hope that this may be some encouragement to you – is to tell you briefly what you have done for me.

I only really began a deep interest in science after becoming a Christian and, like most kids being raised on evolution, I thought mutations (which do happen) and natural selection (which does happen) pretty much sealed the case; until I read the article you wrote for The New Answers Book, “Is Natural Selection the Same Thing as Evolution?” On looking you up I found out that you were a geneticist. Anatomy has always fascinated me since I first saw Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings as a child and I have a special interest in neurology and (your specialty) genetics, so I got hold of your DVD presentations, The Code of Life: DNA, Information and Mutations and All Creatures Great and Small: Microbes and Creation, all containing information that completely demolishes the ‘molecules-to-man’ evolution concept.

Thank you so much for setting me straight and given me the info to challenge MTM [molecules-to-man] proponents today. I read in the latest (UK) edition of New Scientist that secular scientists are now starting to examine the rest of our DNA and finding that, what they called ‘junk DNA’ is not actually ‘junk’ at all. I’m sure you’re following this new research, it’s a fascinating time – do keep us informed [see my blog here]. And thank you again. The Lord has given you, not only high intelligence . . . but also strength, courage and wisdom. Keep fighting the fight of faith and, as an old musician friend of mine once said, “Don’t let the turkeys get you down.” – S.R.

Thank you for publicly supporting creationism! I rarely went to church as a child and learned only about evolution in school. I finally started attending church as an adult but struggled with believing the Bible. AiG was a wonderful source and I tell people about it every chance I get. I was baptized when I was in my 40s. Your work saves souls! Thank you!! – K.W.
Thank God for you Dr. Purdom, Ken Ham and others. I was a heavily indoctrinated atheist for many years and got saved and felt alone. I knew that was something wrong with (macro) evolution but was unable to separate assumptions from facts, etc. I learn much better conceptually and can't help but think that the illogical atheistic natural worldview hampered my learning. I ran into Ken Ham's book called The Lie: Evolution and it began a wonderful new journey in science. – G.F.

Again, thank you all for sharing and encouraging all of us who work for AiG. I’m reminded of Paul’s closing remarks to the church at Phillipi:

Indeed I have all and abound. I am full, having received from Epaphroditus the things sent from you, a sweet-smelling aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well pleasing to God. And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Now to our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen. (Philippians 4:18–20)

The testimonies shared are “a sweet-smelling aroma,” and I thank God continually for your support.

Keep fighting the good fight of the faith!


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