Equipping Women in England

by Dr. Georgia Purdom on August 2, 2012

I recently blogged about my new friend Kate who ministers to ladies on a military base in England using Answers in Genesis materials. I was so impressed with Kate’s outreach that AiG agreed to graciously donate some additional resources for her Bible study group. Kate sent me this message when the box arrived.

My husband just walked in with the box you sent!! I promised the ladies I wouldn't open it until Bible study and we can do it together! That's nearly a week! I won't peek. I promise! Thank you again! BTW we are tackling the topic of "Why is there death and suffering". Many people at this base have ties to Buckley AFB in Aurora, CO as well as Colorado Springs where the wildfires took so many homes. I'm going to show Dr. Mitchell's DVD on that issue and provide an activity that will get them pulling out what they learned about the 7Cs of history. . .

A few days ago, the group met and she sent me this message:

We opened "The Box" at Bible study yesterday. The ladies are thrilled. They decided to place the DVDs and books in the PWOC [Protestant Women of the Chapel] cupboard where everyone can borrow them. The booklets will be distributed to those who want them. I did not realize until later when I found the invoice in the bottom of the box that there were 5 DVDs on back order and those are your new DVD! My husband brought that home with him last evening, so we have those now. Plus, I had ordered that DVD for myself through the UK AiG office and that was waiting for me at the back door when I got home yesterday! It was like Christmas! So I sat down with a "cuppa" and watched [Kids' Most Asked Questions About Science and the Bible]. Excellent! We are planning a day to focus on kids' stuff and that would be a good one to watch for it. I also ordered a quantity of the Hiking through History booklets for the kids.

On another note, the question the ladies wanted to tackle at Bible study this week regarding why is there death and suffereing started with discussion, good stuff, and we ran out of time to watch Dr. Mitchell's video. We'll do that next week. In the order that I received yesterday from the UK AiG were about 40 copies of the booklet Why is There Death and Suffering? I ordered from the UK office because I wanted to have them in time for the Menwith Hill Hoedown we are having on 19th August in support of people on the base tied to both the wildfires in Colorado Springs and the Aurora theater shootings last month. Due to the nature of the mission of this base, many people here rotate through Colorado, and the theater where the massacre took place is the one most likely used by people living on or near Buckley Air Force Base. I don't have any idea at this point if people here are directly affected with friends being involved. I do know 3 who have homes in Colorado Springs and none lost them in the fires. One was very close, though!

The Hoedown is a fun event in the spirit of the pioneers helping neighbors in the wake of disaster -- a barn raising followed by a square dance and picnic. . . . This is a base wide event, not just for the chapel. We will present various charities that people can donate to on their own for victims' relief. The PWOC will man a table representing these. The booklets Why is There Death and Suffering? will be available if that question arises. And I want my "gals" to be able to answer that question themselves. This will be a great opportunity for our group to minister in a real way to our community.

Thank you again for your gracious gift and your encouragement to the ladies here at RAF Menwith Hill, England.

I’m praising God that these resources are being used to equip women (a passion of mine!) to give answers based on the authority of God’s Word. What a wonderful opportunity to be able to share solid biblical answers in the wake of so many tragedies. Ken will be traveling to England later this week to speak at several venues and support 100 team members on an AiG mission trip who are witnessing at the Olympics.

Be sure to keep watching our Answers for Women website for more information on our next Answers for Women conference on May 3–4, 2013, at the Creation Museum. Mary Mohler (wife of Dr. Albert Mohler of Southern Seminary, Louisville) who was very well liked at our first conference will be a returning speaker, and we are in the process of lining up other speakers as well.

Keep fighting the good fight of the faith!


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