Blessings From Ohio

by Dr. Georgia Purdom on November 15, 2011

This past week and weekend, I was blessed to be the speaker for the Ohio Women for Missions (OWM) fall retreats. This group of ladies is a part of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptists, and one of their primary goals is to raise money to fund mission projects around the world. It was kind of like a mini-reunion since many of the women were connected in some way to Cedarville University (my alma mater). It was also nice to see retired AiG board member Dr. Mark Jackson, who attended several of the sessions with his wife.

Many of the women had visited the Creation Museum and were familiar with Answers in Genesis. However, several commented that they had never really heard or thought much about the ideas I was presenting. I spoke with the ladies about biblical womanhood and the foundational importance of Genesis to womanhood, the life of Eve and her legacies of both sin/despair and hope/salvation, and the most-asked questions by kids. I received many questions from women wanting to know specific resources they could purchase for teens, children, and even unbelieving friends—especially with Christmas around the corner. It was a blessing to see many different age groups represented at the conference and see the next generation making missions a priority.

A woman shared with me that her daughter attended a public school and the teacher told the class that people don’t believe in evolution because they are not informed. This mother asked for a conference with the teacher and brought a PhD trained individual from her church to speak with the teacher. After the conference the teacher changed the way she talked about evolution—she was no longer condescending to those who don’t believe in evolution. I praise God for moms who are willing taking a stand, and while not asking the teacher to change what she taught, asking for respect of students’ different beliefs.

One of the men who attended the conference to assist his wife, our very gifted song leader, shared with me this conversation he recently had with his seven-year old grandson.

Grandson: “Grandpa, did you know Noah?”

Grandpa: “No.”

Grandson: “Were you on the ark?”

Grandpa: “No.”

Grandson: “Then why didn’t you drown?”

Too funny! I guess his grandson believes in a very young earth!

The conference was held in Amish country, which is my old stomping grounds from when I lived and worked in the area before coming to AiG. I filled up on lots of delicious Amish food and took a walk down memory lane as we drove past towns I used to visit often. I also want to thank OWM for all the chocolate that was made available for attendees during the conference—I’ve never been to a “sweeter” conference! The ladies raised several thousand dollars by auctioning off baskets filled with lots of goodies for their missions project to help build a school in Kosovo. I look forward to continued relationships with these great women of God.

Carlisle Inn in Sugarcreek, Ohio, for the first retreat

Speaking at the retreat

Keep fighting the good fight of the faith!


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