Looking Back and Looking Forward

by Dr. Georgia Purdom on December 30, 2010

I can honestly say it’s been a good year with a lot of good things happening. Professionally, I saw the introduction of Answers for Women, a ministry outreach of AiG specifically aimed to equip women with the authority and truthfulness of God’s Word. I attended two women’s conferences, presented for two women’s tracks at AiG conferences and hosted a webinar for women. I had the opportunity to travel more than in the past and got to see the beautiful mountains in Montana, sample Celtic life in Iowa, and enjoy many of the activities in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, to name a few. I was also able to start on two exciting research projects—one on stromatolites and one about the animals kinds that were on the ark.

Personally, I saw the restoration of my hearing with my amazing cochlear implant. It has been a real life-changer in more ways than I can articulate. My daughter turned seven, entered the first grade, and is excelling in both math and reading. She also has a real heart for the Lord and plans to work at the Creation Museum someday. My husband got a job working at AiG. We’ve never worked for the same organization before, so this has been both new and good!

I know this next year will bring much excitement with the groundbreaking of the Ark Encounter. I will have the opportunity to travel with a homeschool group to the Galapagos Islands in May and June to assist them in the development of a homeschool curriculum based on the islands. I’m sure that will be a real adventure! It looks like I will be speaking at a few events for women (but there is still plenty of room left in my calendar, so be thinking about this, ladies) and speaking at our apologetics conference in July. I will also enjoy the opportunity to work on research projects and hopefully publish results next year. And one thing that I really enjoy about working for AiG—lending my expertise and skills to projects that I may know nothing about at this time!

Happy New Year!


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