Answers for Pastors—A Big Hit

by Dr. Georgia Purdom on September 28, 2010

As I sat in the sanctuary of the church in Kentucky where our first-ever pastors’ conference was held last week, I was giving thanks to God for bringing almost 400 pastors and their wives included to the conference. Our resources sold very quickly, and you could just feel how hungry the pastors were for the information and how they wanted to take it back to their congregations.

I spoke with the pastors’ wives four times in two days on the topics of womanhood, marriage, parenting, and the legacies of Eve. They were a great group—very intense and interactive. One woman came up to me during the break and said, “Thank you for not teaching me how to lead a Bible study.” I was puzzled by her remark. She went on to explain that many times the track for pastors’ wives at conferences is more practically focused—kind of like “how-to” seminars. I started hearing similar comments from others, thanking me for not teaching “fluff,” and women stated that they often don’t attend the wives’ track because of the lack of “meatiness” of the presentations. “Women need theology, too,” said one attendee—and I wholeheartedly agree! I was glad I could make this a very enjoyable time for them by teaching them the “meat” of God’s Word.

Me and Dr. John Whitcomb

Don’t forget our upcoming Answers for Women webinar and live chat. Check out the website for more information.

Another highlight of the conference was meeting Dr. John Whitcomb. He introduced himself to me and then autographed a copy of The Genesis Flood for me. What a thrill it was to meet this pioneer and founder of the modern young-earth creation movement. I placed the book on a special shelf in my office that is dedicated to the great classics in my collection.


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