Answers in Depth (AiD) explores the biblical worldview in addressing modern scientific research, history, current events, popular media, theology, and much more. AiD provides Christians with powerful apologetic answers, careful critiques, and close examinations of the world around them.
Mt. Ngauruhoe in the Taupo Volcanic Zone of New Zealand erupted andesite lava flows in 1949 and 1954, and avalanche deposits in 1975.
PDF DownloadWhile some people may talk to their plants, we don’t hear the plants talking back.
The complexity of life continues to astound even the most skeptical scientist. Dr. Georgia Purdom looks at recent discoveries that reveal God’s handiwork.
For more than twenty years it has been known that the Rb-Sr and K-Ar systems give discordant ‘ages’ for Cardenas Basalt and associated Proterozoic diabase sills and dikes of Grand Canyon.
PDF DownloadAlthough some plant species rely on wind or water to transfer pollen from one flower to the next, the vast majority of all plant species need the help of animals for pollination.
Only changing radioisotope decay rates in the past could account for these discordant isochron ‘ages’ for the same geologic event
PDF DownloadThe Somerset Dam layered mafic intrusion in southeast Queensland, Australia, has been conventionally dated as Late Triassic by the apparently successful application of radioisotopic dating techniques.
PDF DownloadMicrobiology is dominated by evolution today. Just look at any text, journal article, or the topics presented at professional scientific meetings.
The pattern in the discordances may provide clues into the physics responsible for time variations in the decay process.
PDF DownloadTwo evolutionary hypotheses have been put forth to explain the Jefferson complex and the various modes of reproduction that may have taken place.
A closer look at how different mutations affect livestock can give a better understanding of the role mutations play in our world.
Recent scandals, such as “climategate” and questionable practices of the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University, have raised new doubts about the conclusions of climate scientists.
Of the two styles of metamorphism, contact and regional, the latter is most often used to argue against the young-earth creation-Flood model.
PDF DownloadYet another alleged human ancestor admittedly doesn’t quite make the cut.
Eight geologists argue that Christians should reject Noah’s Flood as being geologically insignificant and adopt an old-earth view of Genesis.
This response was developed to demonstrate to laymen that the arguments of old-earth geology are neither based on proper authority nor are scientifically compelling.
At least six presidents and other high government officials openly supported the right to “teach the controversy” about the topic of origins and to avoid indoctrination in Darwinism.
Although baraminologists have noted that their conclusions are tentative, this fact is not emphasized enough.
Even though some strains are pathogenic, most E. coli strains still show evidence of being one of God’s “very good” creations.
When we examine the world in the light of God’s Word, what we see makes sense—including the amazing design of Sphagnum peat moss.
Because of the enormous explanatory and predictive success of the plate tectonics model, we feel that at least some portion of plate tectonics theory should be incorporated into the creation model.
PDF DownloadNo matter how many times man redefines human life, God’s truth doesn’t change.
Science has become somewhat of an idol in our culture. Some have promoted it as the ultimate method for finding truth.
In this DVD, Larson presents his journey to determine what the star of Bethlehem was.
The great variety in color, shape, pattern, and scent we observe in flowers is a direct result of the intimate association of the flowers with their animal partner pollinators or cohorts.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.