Answers in Depth (AiD) explores the biblical worldview in addressing modern scientific research, history, current events, popular media, theology, and much more. AiD provides Christians with powerful apologetic answers, careful critiques, and close examinations of the world around them.
Once again, the media is abuzz with feathered dinosaurs busily “experimenting” with flight. This time the presumed dinosaur, Microraptor gui.
PDF DownloadNow that the euphoria in the media has settled down on Tiktaalik, it is time to reflect upon what must surely be the biggest fish story of the decade.
PDF DownloadToday, the majority of paleoanthropologists believe that the Neandertals were a species separate from modern humans.
On March 15, the Science Daily website reported that there may be half a million years of precise climate information stored in the sediments of Lake Van in eastern Turkey.
PDF DownloadCertainly evolutionsts do not believe that bacteria consciously invented photosynthesis. So, what evolutionary mechanisms might be responsible for bacteria being able to “invent” photosynthesis?
PDF DownloadNow that the euphoria in the media has settled down on the “walking fish,” it is time to reflect upon what must surely be the biggest fish story of the decade.
PDF DownloadA Critique of the Framework Interpretation of Creation (1 of 2)
PDF DownloadDr. Robert McCabe continues to unravel the framework interpretation of Genesis.
PDF DownloadDespite attempts to add to the biblical account, Dr. Freeman shows that the genealogies in Genesis 5 and 11 do not contain gaps.
PDF DownloadA number of genes are now known to be polycistronic, that is, they produce more than one protein.
PDF DownloadWhat did Jesus think about the age of the earth? Did He say anything during His earthly life that would reveal His thinking?
PDF DownloadThis is a summary of the historical development of the modern uniformitarian view of the geological record and the millions-of-years time-scale.
PDF DownloadMany people who have written on Genesis 1 have attempted to make a very significant distinction between two Hebrew words found there.
PDF DownloadFor many years this notion that non-coding DNA was not functional (“junk”) actually inhibited science.
PDF DownloadSynthetic biologists are convinced their methods will eventually allow them to create life from non-life, but Darwinian evolution cannot bridge the gap.
PDF DownloadMike Oard reviews the National Geographic children’s documentary.
PDF DownloadBy embracing materialism, the atheist has destroyed the possibility of knowledge, as well as science and technology.
PDF DownloadThe ENCODE Project findings have made it clear that junk DNA is not junk and that most of it is functional in the form of RNA or protein.
PDF DownloadAs Science Daily reports, “state-of-the-art computational and molecular techniques [were used] to re-create the ancient progenitors of an important human protein.”
PDF DownloadThe RATE research project demonstrated that creationists could support a larger-scale collaborative research effort.
PDF DownloadDuring the RATE (Radioisotopes and the Age of The Earth) research project, some of the research effort was focused on investigating radiocarbon (carbon-14) dating.
PDF DownloadThere are many anatomical similarities between humans and apes. Our chromosomes are similar as well. But do human chromosomes hint of chimp ancestry?
PDF DownloadRecent research publications indicate that some Neanderthals may have had red-hair, fair complexions, and the capacity for speech and language.
PDF DownloadIn a recent swath of articles and letters, evolutionists have been examining how they frame “science” to the public—though ignoring their own presuppostions.
PDF DownloadAnswers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.