
  • Feedback Article
    Are We Restricting God?
    June 20, 2008

    Does a straightforward reading of the Bible restrict God? Dr. Jason Lisle, AiG–U.S., looks at this oft-repeated claim.

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    Are the Bible and Evolution Compatible?
    June 13, 2008

    By accepting evolution and billions of years, Christains are making Jesus into a liar. Bodie Hodge, AiG–U.S., shows why.

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    Should We Teach Evolution?
    June 6, 2008

    A recent Times article rehashes a common caricature of creationists as wanting the teaching of evolution censored. But is this the truth?

  • Feedback Article
    Must Science Exclude the Supernatural?
    May 30, 2008

    A reader claims that “natural” phenomena are the only valid scientific explanations. Dr. Jason Lisle, AiG–U.S., examines this often repeated claim.

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    Call for Help
    May 23, 2008

    When discussing creation/evolution on forums, do the “facts” speak for themselves? Or is there something else to keep in mind? Dr. Georgia Purdom, AiG–U.S., answers a call for help.

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    Just Show the “Evidence”
    May 16, 2008

    A visitor to the Creation Museum is disappointed that the Creation Museum presents a presuppositional approach. Dr. Lisle, AiG–U.S., explains the rationale.

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    Dinosaurs, Man, and the Bible
    May 9, 2008

    We respond to two readers with similar misconceptions about dinosaurs and the Bible.

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    Worldviews and Occam’s Razor
    May 2, 2008

    Does creation and a young universe, as revealed in the Bible, require “convoluted theories” to deal with the facts? Dr. Jason Lisle, AiG–U.S., responds.

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    Enormous Leaps of Logic?
    April 18, 2008

    AiG has made the claim that science requires a biblical worldview. Is this logically defensible?

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    Distorting for Darwin?
    April 11, 2008

    A reporter from the UK’s Gaurdian lets his real agenda shine through. Ken Ham responds.

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    Should We Keep Them from Seeing?
    March 28, 2008

    Should we keep our children from being exposed to evolutionary ideas? Stacia McKeever, AiG–U.S., shows how we can use such opportunities to teach discernment.

  • Feedback Article
    Does Logic Supersede the Bible?
    March 21, 2008

    What are the limits of logic and is logic more important than God’s Word?

  • Feedback Article
    Who Sinned First?
    March 14, 2008

    Did sin start with Adam, or did sin actually start with Satan’s rebellion?

  • Subscriber-Only
    Are We Wasting Our Time?
    Feb. 29, 2008

    During a moment of personal tragedy, a grieving mother asks if the age of the earth is important to spreading the gospel. Dr. Terry Mortenson, AiG–U.S., responds.

  • Feedback Article
    Did God Create the Earth to Look “Old”?
    Feb. 22, 2008

    Does geological data “abundantly demonstrate” either that the earth is old or that God created it to appear old?

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    The Trinity and Creation
    Feb. 15, 2008

    The doctrine of the Trinity is not just “traditional”; it has a firm basis in Scripture.

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    Stellar Evolution and Millions of Years
    Feb. 8, 2008

    Does the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram prove that the universe must be millions of years old? Dr. Jason Lisle answers.

  • Feedback Article
    Can We Prove God Without the Bible?
    Jan. 25, 2008

    Is there such a thing as a “neutral” starting point for evaluating God's existence? Should we try to prove the Bible, or let it speak for itself?

  • Feedback Article
    Did God Create the Universe with the False Appearance of Age?
    Jan. 18, 2008

    Did God create light from distant stars “in transit” to earth? Dr. Jason Lisle examines this argument from a biblical perspective.

  • Feedback Article
    Is Science Enough?
    Jan. 11, 2008

    Is presuppositional apologetics as effective in witnessing as providing more scientific analysis? What is the proper balance?

  • Feedback Article
    From Old to Young
    Jan. 4, 2008

    Are there scientists who have converted from the old-earth view? Dr. Tommy Mitchell shows us one who has.

  • Feedback Article
    Entitled to an Opinion?
    Dec. 21, 2007

    A reader claims that we cannot use the Bible to defend our position, but is this a realistic requirement?

  • Feedback Article
    The Nature of Myth
    Dec. 14, 2007

    A college professor lambastes AiG for “perpetuating a myth” but, in turn, perpetuates a myth about natrual selection.

  • Feedback Article
    Did God Create Logic?
    Dec. 7, 2007

    Did God create logic? Or is logic further evidence of God’s existence?


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