Answers Update

  • Did Jesus Say He Created in Six Days?
    Aug. 25, 2001

    Did Jesus anywhere clearly state that the Earth was created in six ordinary (approximately 24 hours each) days?

  • “Jurassic” Dinosaurs? No Mystery!
    July 26, 2001

    Television programs, thousands of books, and countless hours of research by thousands of qualified scientists have been devoted to studying dinosaurs.

  • Stop the Brainwashing!
    June 1, 2001

    This spring I had the wonderful opportunity to speak many times about Genesis and creation in Poland, Moldova, Russia, and Hungary.

  • The “Bottom Strip”
    May 14, 2001

    The AiG message is that the Bible, beginning with Genesis, is the “bottom strip” that builds a worldview to make sense of this world.

  • “Shopping for God”
    April 7, 2001

    Last year, a national newspaper in Australia (The Weekend Australian) ran a series of editorials/letters/interviews concerning God, Christianity, the church, and religion.

  • Answers Update—USA January 2000
    Jan. 1, 2000

    Answers in Genesis has just completed its sixth year of upholding the authority and accuracy of the Word of God. We have been so encouraged by the numerous life-changing reports!


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