Perhaps the most common questions asked of Answers in Genesis—next to evolution and millions of years—relate to Satan, the origin of sin and evil, and the Fall of man in general. A complete understanding of this issue requires a careful examination of the Curse in Genesis 3 and other early chapters in Genesis.
In our secularized culture, there is a lot of mythology surrounding Satan, angels, demons, and so on.
Genesis 3 seems to indicate that Adam was with Eve when she ate the fruit. Is this accurate? Bodie Hodge, AiG–U.S. examines this issue.
While this series has examined questions about the Curse, sin, and Satan, the real focus of the Genesis account is Jesus Christ.
When looking closely at Genesis 3:6–7, one can’t help but wonder why Eve’s eyes were not opened until Adam ate and what exactly Scripture means by, “their eyes were opened.”
Genesis 3:16 says that God increased Eve’s pain after the Fall. Does that mean that pain already existed before sin?
Christians generally use illustrations of the Garden of Eden that place the serpent in a tree—usually the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. But is this accurate?
The Bible tells us that unlike animals and plants, humans are created in the image of God. But what do we know about angels, Satan, and the heavenly host?
Did Adam and Eve have to eat from the Tree of Life to keep from dying? Why didn’t God remove it from Eden? What happened to it?
If sin and the Curse had never entered the creation, wouldn’t the earth have become overpopulated?
Building on last week’s article, Bodie Hodge, AiG–U.S., shows how to calculate the age of the earth and the time of the Fall.
How long did Adam and Eve live in Eden before the Fall? Bodie Hodge, AiG–US, shows why sin must have entered in soon after Creation.
Was Abel eating meat soon after the Curse even though he wasn’t supposed to? After all, he kept the flocks and sacrificed an animal.
If God created Eve from Adam’s side, wouldn’t that make her a clone of Adam? Bodie Hodge, AiG–U.S., explains why this is not the case.
How can God who is, according to Scripture, perfectly holy, create anything that can be unholy (or fallen)?
Prior to the Fall, did humans require sleep? What can we learn from the biblical account?
Who is the “dragon of old” and where did his name come from?
Some have claimed that the Bible doesn’t necessarily mean what it says in Genesis 2:17, since Adam and Eve didn’t die the moment they ate.
How is original sin passed in order for Christ to remain sinless?
Isn’t it harsh for God to punish all of Adam’s descendants for something Adam did?
Does the description in Revelation of Satan being the “serpent of old” imply a real serpent wasn’t present in Genesis 3?
Often, people say that they can’t believe the serpent in Genesis 3 spoke because they claim animals don’t speak.
Determining features of the serpent from the precious little information given in the Bible is a difficult task.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.