The Bible tells us that unlike animals and plants, humans are created in the image of God. But what do we know about angels, Satan, and the heavenly host?
Every believer is engaged, either knowingly or unknowingly, in direct conflict with Satan and his demons. This is the point of Paul’s warning in Ephesians 6:10–18. If we as Christians submit to God, we can depend upon His strength for this conflict.
Demonic activity is not limited to obvious visitations and dramatic displays of possession. Paul warned Christians about doctrines of demons infiltrating the church (1 Timothy 4:1), and he said that Satan could disguise himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:11–14).
No evidence has produced a single fact that should sway a Christian into believing that the spirits of deceased people can loiter on earth. In light of the Bible, the only conclusion is that ghost sightings are either the figments of overactive imaginations, or else they are demons.
Who is Satan? When were he and the demons created, and when did they fall? What about the origin of evil? Was it Satan who tempted mankind?
What do you think about ghosts? If we look to the Scriptures, we find solid answers, even on this murky subject.
Thankfully, there is no reason to fear demons.
Demons are alive and active today, but we can rest in the reality of our Father's gracious and powerful control.
Numerous born-again Christians have little or no knowledge of the spiritual warfare that takes place all around us.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.