Getting Back Home

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by Asher Wild on March 2, 2017

We had a wonderful furlough spending time with family and friends. But all good things must come to an end. We eventually found ourselves packed and ready to leave. We said our goodbyes at the airport and set off once again, sad but excited to get back to life in Asia Pacific.

Forested Mountains

Our trip was long and uneventful. Sometimes it was pretty boring waiting in the airports or on the planes, but thankfully most of the planes had movies on them. Another thing that we are really thankful for is that all of our baggage made it home!

It is always good to see our friends and just catch up with everybody. We are staying in a coastal town where we come when we’re on breaks from the tribe; this is where our organization has a guesthouse. It’s fun reliving many familiar sounds and smells that I've known for so many years.

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One thing that we forgot about missing and will have to get used to again is the heat and humidity. When we first stepped off the plane, it really hit us. Our home state in America is Florida, and that’s where we came from, but the heat and humidity there is nothing compared to what it is like here. I mean, I hardly sweat, but when we were at the baggage claim, oh man, I was soaked!

Nothing has really changed here in town, except that a lot of new missionary families have come to do various jobs on our island. Another thing that is different this time around is that my eldest brother, Morgan, is not with us. He stayed in the States and is going to Boyce College now. So far so good—he is working hard to get a degree in Worldview and Apologetics. He also just got a job. We miss him but are very proud of his hard work.

We will be happy to finish up our preparations here and be back home in the tribe. One person that we were looking forward to seeing is our best friend, Pu. We normally do a lot together. But we just heard that he won’t be there when we return. He, his mother, and others are actually going on an outreach to a village down in the lowlands to teach literacy. He’s only 14 years old but is already helping with God’s work! He will be gone for about six months before we will see him again.

There is one thing that we know will never change, not even through trials, adjustments, and changes. That one thing is God and His Word. The Bible tells us that He will never leave us or forsake us, so that’s always something we should be grounded in and trust!

Tribal Village

*The views expressed by the Wild family are their own and not necessarily those of Answers in Genesis.

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