Our Missionary Family

Meet the Wilds, a modern missionary family living in the jungle of Southeast Asia, sharing the gospel with an unreached tribe.

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When we were young, Dad and Mom brought us Wild brothers to live as missionaries in the world‘s largest archipelago. Growing up in the jungle, we’ve taken on a lot of tribal ways from the people we live with, but we're basically just your average crew of brothers. And we have amazing parents who love us, teach us, and live out Christ with us. Here’s a little about each member of our family so you can know us better.

Mike Wild

Hi, I am Mike, husband to Libby and dad to the Wild Brothers. As a missionary family it has been our privilege to join the Lord in an amazing work He is doing. We have seen a remote tribe come to understand the gospel and a church born. I am passionate about the gospel, and I also love God’s creation. My favorite times are when I am in the deep jungle or on a lonely stretch of sea. I especially love to sail, dive, surf and sup (stand up paddle board)! I have the most fun when my family is all together doing something outdoors.

Libby Wild

I am Libby, Mike’s wife and mom to the Wild Brothers. Growing up I actually didn’t like being outdoors, and I was quite paranoid about diseases bugs carried. So, my being a foreign missionary in the middle of the jungle is a testimony that God can use the weak things of this world for His kingdom. I enjoy working hard at something profitable and relaxing, which for me usually involves an ocean, a good book, and my family. I love seeing our family change and grow—a direct payoff for all my hours of investing in five very enjoyable boys.

Morgan Wild

My name is Morgan and I’m the oldest brother. I’ve pursued many pastimes, but something I really love is playing stringed instruments—preferably the electric guitar and ukulele. I also enjoy all things outdoors. My brothers recognize me as a leader and I try to be a good example to them. As brothers we get along great together. No matter where we are in the world or what we are doing, I have the most fun when the four of us are doing it together!

Hudson Wild

Hi, my name is Hudson and I am the second oldest brother. I enjoy hiking and being out in nature. Other things I like are taxidermy, throwing knives, and playing darts. I’m glad to be part of a missionary family because I have been able to live with a remote tribe, experience their hopelessness in sin, and then watch their lives be transformed through the teaching of the Bible.

Kian Wild

My name is Kian Wild. I’m the third brother, and I like being in that position. I’m not the oldest yet not the youngest—just in the middle. One of my favorite things to do (if I’m not outside) is to sit down with a good book and read for a while. I also like to work in the kitchen, experimenting and trying out new recipes. Being in a missionary family gives me an amazing opportunity to collect and observe God’s creation in the bush.

Asher Wild

I am Asher and I am the youngest of the four brothers. I love collecting insects. That is a cool part about living in the jungle—you can see a lot that God has made and give him glory. Right now I have four pets all to myself. I have two turtles, one male and one female. The male’s name is Squirt and the female’s name is Crushette. My other two pets are beta fish named Motel and Tzeitel.

*The views expressed by the Wild family are their own and not necessarily those of Answers in Genesis.


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