Raising the Wild Brothers

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by Mike Wild on July 7, 2016; last featured February 23, 2017

Libby and I have the privilege of raising the four Wild brothers. They are each responsible, godly young men and a joy to parent. Although not perfect, our boys have grown up loving God and respecting each other, their parents, and their neighbors. For this I give all the credit to God. It is by His Word and through His power that we have raised them, and God has put his Word deep in their hearts. It is my prayer that God will use each of them for His glory and purposes.

Libby and I believe that our children are our first (and most important) disciples. If we do amazing things on the mission field but lose our children, then we have failed. Our desire has always been to include our children in the ministry. We have wanted to live on the edge for the Lord, doing the hard work of tribal church planting; as we have done that, our children have served along side us.

Wild Brothers

Growing up, the boys have gotten to see the good and the bad, the joys and sorrows, health and sickness, life and death. They have always been a crucial part in reaching the lost! They have seen how our family stood for God’s Word, were His representatives to an unreached people, and how God mightily saved them. They have lived the continuation of the book of Acts, seeing how God’s Word impacts different people with different customs and languages. Libby and I can only image what God has in store for them in the future. We are raising the Wild brothers, but really, God is the one raising them up. He has made their paths, and He alone commands their destinies!

*The views expressed by the Wild family are their own and not necessarily those of Answers in Genesis.

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