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by Mike Wild and Libby Wild on August 25, 2015

All these faces mean so much to us. They each have a story. So when I read the Apostle Paul’s words now, I do it with a little different understanding. Our team feels like we can identify in some ways with Paul’s deep emotions as he is urging his friends to follow the Lord, warning them not to fall into sin, sending his love, or longing to be with them. I get that part now, maybe in a way I wouldn’t have had we not lived here. We have watched the Lord call these people to Himself, and seen them be faithful to step out of their comfort zone and go! These six families left our village last week with just a few net bags and flew to two different locations. They are going to spend the next several months on an outreach to people within their own people group who don’t yet have the gospel. We are standing in confidence with them that there are those who are in these villages that will hear the truth and believe.


Mike accompanied the teams to their locations and flew back the same day. For some, this was their first air travel experience! : )

Airplane ride

There were a lot of teary eyes that morning as the church gathered together, prayed, and said our goodbyes to our good friends. We are thankful for their sacrifices, and thankful that they place so much value on God’s Word and his commands.


*The views expressed by the Wild family are their own and not necessarily those of Answers in Genesis.

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