Living a Life in a Day

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by Morgan Wild on June 4, 2015; last featured April 4, 2017

Living Our Lives to the Fullest

How can we make each of our days count for Christ?

As followers of Christ, our passion should be living our days to the fullest as we serve our God with the talents, energy, and time He has given us. Paul likens our Christian journey to an athlete running a race (1 Corinthians 9:24–27). It is our call to be steadfast and dedicated to the life God has called us to live, pressing on with unwavering motivation and with zeal for the promised prize awaiting us at the end (1 Corinthians 9:24)!

What is most important in our lives? It is crucial to examine ourselves and determine how we should sculpt and model our days for His glory and His kingdom. The things of this world are passing (1 John 2:17), our time and talent poured into physical or material pursuits won't last, but a life lived for Christ will add up to eternal treasure (1 Corinthians 3:12–14).

Compacting a Life's Worth into Each of our Days!

Living a life in a day should be our philosophy as followers of Christ. We should recognize no limits to what we can accomplish in a day for God. (Nor can we guarantee that we will have another day to contribute). This is a challenge that each of us should confront when we look at our lives.

What is the limit of our dedication to Christ? How far are we capable of putting ourselves out there, whether it be standing up for truth, proclaiming His name where it hasn't been heard, or making a step of faith and trusting God for our needs and safety?

Each of us has different situations, but our calling is the same.

We should boldly take up our cross and follow the example that Christ gave us Himself (Matthew 16:24). He followed the will of His Father to death (John 6:38; cf. Luke 22:42). If Christ is truly our Lord, how far are we willing to go?

Each morning we wake up is the dawn of another day of life that God has given us for a reason. We should take our lives seriously. If we were truly running a race like Paul said, then surely we wouldn't want to be the athletes lagging far behind the finish line, still miles away from our destination. Instead we ought to be determined athletes that press forward without stopping for anything! Following Christ is worthy of our time and energy and existence.


Making Our Days Count While We Still Have Strength and Energy in Our Youth

Today we are prone to become complacent and lose focus on our purpose. It's easy for us to waver from the race we are running. Our lives are valuable and shouldn't be wasted!

Each of us will be accountable for our time (Ephesians 5:16; Colossians 4:5), so as followers of Christ we need to push back distractions and not be phased by our worldly surroundings. We must throw off the sin that so easily entangles us (Hebrews 12:1) and keep our eyes ahead, on the prize.

Life is short, like a vapor (James 4:14). If we could live a thousand lives and live each of them completely for our God, we still couldn't repay the debt that Christ paid for us. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). God only gave us one life to serve Him. What are we willing to invest in that life?

As Christians, we need to acknowledge that the road we travel may lead to hardship and suffering, but dauntlessly we can tread on, trusting in the faithfulness of our God, who promises to be with us until the end!

And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever. (1 John 2:17)
Morgan with tribal friends

*The views expressed by the Wild family are their own and not necessarily those of Answers in Genesis.

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