These delicious, themed VBS snacks help to reinforce what kids are learning every day in Vacation Bible School.
Order the Wonder Junction VBS Super Starter kit to receive instructions for all available snacks.
Order Wonder JunctionOrder The Great Jungle Journey VBS Super Starter kit to receive instructions for all available snacks.
Order The Great Jungle JourneyOrder Keepers of the Kingdom VBS Super Starter kit to receive instructions for all available snacks.
Order Keepers of the KingdomOrder Zoomerang VBS Super Starter kit to receive instructions for all available snacks.
Order ZoomerangOrder Mystery Island VBS Super Starter kit to receive instructions for all available snacks.
Order Mystery IslandOrder The Incredible Race VBS Super Starter kit to receive instructions for all available snacks.
Order The Incredible RaceOrder Time Lab VBS Super Starter kit to receive instructions for all available snacks.
Order Time LabOrder Operation Arctic VBS Super Starter kit to receive instructions for all available snacks.
Order Operation ArcticOrder Ocean Commotion VBS Super Starter kit to receive instructions for all available snacks.
Order Ocean CommotionOrder Camp Kilimanjaro VBS Super Starter kit to receive instructions for all available snacks.
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