Answers in Depth (AiD) explores the biblical worldview in addressing modern scientific research, history, current events, popular media, theology, and much more. AiD provides Christians with powerful apologetic answers, careful critiques, and close examinations of the world around them.
A recent study claims that the rate of mutation has sharply increased over the last 10,000 years. But what is the reason for this change?
PDF DownloadSome evolutionists have argued that science isn’t possible without evolution. But is evolution even science?
PDF DownloadA recent study claimed to offer proof of the RNA-world hypothesis or the origin of life. The evidence, however, is greatly lacking.
PDF DownloadSometimes critics of Creation refer to the creation/evolution debate as “science vs. the Bible” or “reasoning vs. faith.” Of course, nothing could be further from the truth.
PDF DownloadThe concern over global warming seems to be escalating. But what do the data show?
PDF DownloadThis is the fascinating story about how, due to a combination of environmental changes and selective predation, a moth turned into, well, a moth.
PDF DownloadGene duplications followed by subsequent mutation of the duplicated genes are often cited by evolutionists as a mechanism for adding new information to the genome.
PDF DownloadIn a recent article, New Scientist discusses five supposed vestigial organs in the human body, but as Dr. David DeWitt shows, there’s more to the story than evolutionists will admit.
PDF DownloadThe recent discovery of rapid changes in a lizard population has offered an excellent test—and an astounding confirmation—of the creation model.
PDF DownloadChristians think of Adam and Eve and the Fall in the Garden of Eden as the first sin. While this is the first human sin, it is not the first recorded sin.
PDF DownloadHas E. coli “evolved” new complex traits in the lab? Or is this more evidence of evolutionists grasping at anything to promote their ideas?
PDF DownloadOne of the many criticisms leveled at biblical creationists is “if we teach about your God, why not teach about the many other gods in the world?”
PDF DownloadThe issue of antibiotic resistance in bacteria is growing. But creation research could help reveal new ways to deal with this problem—and challenge Darwinism in the process.
PDF DownloadThe Bible clearly affirms the existence of three distinct Persons that are all identified as the one God of the universe.
PDF DownloadTo think of the biblical unicorn as a fantasy animal is to demean God’s Word, which is true in every detail.
PDF DownloadThe book Origins: A Reformed Look at Creation, Design, & Evolution fails to live up to its title and skews or ignores both scientific and theological evidence.
PDF DownloadThe Holy Spirit is not an impersonal force. The Bible teaches that he is active in our lives, a distinct person, and fully God.
PDF DownloadFor years pseudogenes have been used by skeptics to promote evolution. But you can refute this every time you breathe in.
PDF DownloadMuch has been made of laminin having a cross shape. But should we look for such “signs” to prove the accuracy of God’s Word?
PDF DownloadWhat can the lowly crustacean teach about genetic diversity? Quite a bit, as it turns out.
PDF DownloadA recent Internet report claimed that researchers caught “infant” stars in the act of “feeding.” But is there more to the story?
PDF DownloadBiblical truth should not be just a starting point—our whole philosophy and worldview should be submitted to the acid test of biblical authority. That includes our interpretation of scientific data.
PDF DownloadIf God created everything good and with a purpose, why are there disease-causing bacteria and viruses in the world?
PDF DownloadAnswers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.