7 C's in God's Eternal Plan Puzzle

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  • Format: Gift
  • Dimensions: 28.875" x 20.125"
  • Ages: 5 and up
  • ID: 1003259
  • SKU: 26-T-157
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

A unique puzzle from the Creation Museum that makes it fun and easy to learn and share the seven key events of the Bible. 28.87 x 20.12 in. 73.5 x 51 cm


Putting together the 7 C's in God's Eternal Plan

The “7 C’s” are a wonderful way to easily remember the biggest events in the Bible. A great chronological overview of the gospel message!

Do you know the seven key events of the Bible—from Creation to the second coming of Christ? Do you long for an easy-to-understand overview of the Bible that can be summarized in less than one hour? That is what the 7 C’s of History is all about. By taking relevant milestones throughout the Bible, you'll discover that the entire Bible points to Christ!

  1. Creation: God created in six days and everything was perfect, then He rested for a day
  2. Corruption: the fall from perfection due to sin
  3. Catastrophe: Noah’s Flood is the origin of most fossil layers
  4. Confusion: the rebellion at Babel is key to understanding the world today
  5. Christ: the Creator became a man, our “Kinsman Redeemer”
  6. Cross: Christ’s resurrection shows He has conquered death
  7. Consummation: the fulfillment of all things

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