Echoes of the Jurassic

Written by Dr. Kevin Anderson
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  • Format: Softcover
  • Dimensions: 5.5" x 8.5"
  • Length: 96 pages
  • Ages: Teens – Adults
  • Publisher: Creation Research Society Books
  • Published: 2016
  • ID: 1001269
  • SKU: 10-2-472
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

Are dinosaur fossils really over 65 million years old? Can tissue and proteins possibly survive in these fossils for 65 million or more years? Find out in Echoes of the Jurassic.


The presence of soft tissue and proteins in several dinosaur fossils may be the most significant palaeo discovery of the 21st century. Yet this discovery also directly challenges the evolution-biased timescale. Are dinosaur fossils really over 65 million years old? Can tissue and proteins possibly survive in these fossils for 65 million or more years? Echoes of the Jurassic presents a clear and concise understanding of both the science and the controversy and shows yet again that the idea of millions of years doesn't come from the scientific evidence but from a truth-suppressing, anti-biblical, atheistic worldview.

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