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The Door of Salvation and Noah's Ark Combo

List Price: $26.97
$20.99 Sale
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  • Format: Pack
  • Dimensions:
  • Technicality: Children
  • Ages: 10 and under
  • Published: 2016
  • ID: 1001585
  • SKU: 90-7-822
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

A great pack of fun children's books that focus on the gospel and Noah's Flood! Get this three book combo and save!

What’s Included $27 value

  • The Door of Salvation

    This fun book for kids teaches how the Ark had only one door that Noah's family and the animals could enter in to be saved from the flood. Our personal salvation is found through a single door as well, which is Jesus. Previously titled, "A Special Door."

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  • Board Book Remarkable Rescue: Board Book

    Read the account of the greatest rescue of all time! Let children discover that Noah and his ark was real and not a fairy tale.

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  • Noah and the Great Flood Booklet

    How big was Noah's Ark? How big was the Flood of Noah's day? Is there evidence of the Flood? Who was Noah anyway? Find out the answers to these questions about the biblical account of Noah given in Genesis 6-9! This colorful illustrated booklet gives kids (and parents!) a quick refresher of the fun apologetics lessons related to Noah and the Ark!

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