Is earth 4.5 billions years old as many claim? Earth Battles reviews geologic evidence from the Grand Canyon and finds the evidence unambiguous, pointing to a young earth. Dr. Andrew Snelling explains the biblical flood model while it is illustrated with beautiful 3D animation.
Earth Battles: How Old Is It? reviews geologic evidence from the Grand Canyon and finds that the evidence is not ambiguous but very clearly points to a young Earth. The evidence points overwhelmingly in favor of world-wide catastrophic processes not the slow and gradual processes that long-age geologists claim. This documentary includes beautiful 3D animation videos while explaining the Biblical Flood Model for the formation of Earth’s basement rock and sedimentary fossil-filled layers.
Dr. Andrew Snelling holds a PhD in geology from the University of Sydney, Australia. Dr. Snelling is active in research, writing and also speaking on topics such as the flood, fossils, the Grand Canyon, and the radioactive dating of rocks.
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