Our understanding of Genesis 1–11 shapes how we understand the authority of Scripture, our place on this planet, and so much more. Day or Age examines the two main views of the Genesis creation account—only one of which is supported by the Bible.
Aren't we just fighting amongst ourselves when we discuss whether the earth is billions or thousands of years old? As long as we believe God is the Designer, isn't everything else secondary? These questions come up often in discussions regarding the first chapters of Genesis. My desire to respond biblically to these questions led me to the research that became this book.
The debate about the age of the earth is far from academic. Our understanding of Genesis 1–11 shapes how we understand the authority of Scripture, our place on this planet, and so much more. Origins of life, death, marriage, clothing, disease, and fossils are revealed in the opening chapters of Genesis. Having spent more than a decade investigating these questions, I have found that this issue requires a deep dive. We must, like the Bereans in Acts, examine what others are teaching against the inspired Word of God.
This book will examine the two main views on the Genesis creation account - old earth creationism and young earth creationism. The Bible only supports one of these views. My prayer is that you join me in this examination - test what I wrote against the Word of God - so we can all know what is true, teach what is true, and share what is true.
–David A. McGee (from the Preface)
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
CHAPTER 2: A Historical Overview of Christian Interpretations of the Earth's Age
CHAPTER 3: Analysis and Evaluation of Hugh Ross's Progressive Day–Age Creationism
CHAPTER 4: The Contribution of Biblical Theology to the Topic of the Earth's Age
CHAPTER 5: The Doctrinal Significance of Hugh Ross's Progressive Day–Age Creationism
“ David McGee has written a superb, easy-to-read primer on the errors of Dr. Hugh Ross' progressive day-age creation view, ably demonstrating how it misaligns with orthodox historic Christianity due to his use of scientists' interpretation of natural revelation to override the plain reading of God's special revelation in the Bible. McGee skillfully deals with the main issues at stake, contrasting Ross' mishandling of Scripture and reliance on the secular uniformitarian scientists' claims regarding the age and history of the earth, with the clear plain reading of the biblical text as he defends the literal six- day creation, young-earth position from the historic Christian understanding, science, historic and biblical theology, selected OT and NT texts, and the effects on crucial doctrines of the Christian faith. This concise book is thus a go-to must-read for anyone needing a comprehensive overview of why Ross' progressive day-age creation view should be rejected in favor of the literal six-day, young-earth position advocated by God's Word and historic Christianity. ”
“ One should always be ready to provide a reason for the hope they have within (cf. 1 Pet. 3:15), but when it comes to creation and biblical interpretation, it is all too common for earnest and well-meaning Christians to waffle or throw up their hands when pressed on the issue. One theorist who has had an exceptional amount of influence over post-Darwinian theology is Hugh Ross, and Day or Age cuts through a lot of the jargon to clearly summarize and critique Ross’s theory. Additionally, McGee addresses, with respect and poise, why evangelicals and biblical inerrantists must wrestle with the issue of creationism because of how it affects the overall interpretation of Scripture, how New Testament writers thought about Genesis 1–11, and the myriad theological concepts hinging on a proper perspective on creationism. Day or Age is accessible without being simplistic and makes a strong case for evangelicals to revisit their stance on old-earth creationism, either by intentional thought or by tacit agreement. ”
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