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Culture Action Pack

List Price: $48.97
$36.99 Sale
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  • Format: Pack
  • Dimensions:
  • Ages: Teens – Adults
  • ID: 1005412
  • SKU: 91-7-048
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

In this powerful action pack, Ken Ham reveals how to find clarity amid the chaos of the culturally conflicted church. You'll learn how to effectively present the authority of the Word of God and the gospel of Jesus.

What’s Included $49 value

  • Hardcover Divided Nation: Hardcover

    They claim they threw religion out. But they threw Christianity out and replaced it with a different religion. Can the church regain a position of influence among young people seeking “truth” while rejecting God’s Word?

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  • Will They Stand

    Ken Ham gives us a powerful message about the importance of raising strong believers who can stand in the face of a world that will challenge, disparage, and seek to eliminate their faith. A "must read" for today's Christian parent!

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  • Communicating the Christian Message in a Secularized Culture

    Ken Ham reveals the importance of getting people on the “right road” to communicate the gospel effectively. He contrasts two passages to show how the Apostles Peter and Paul preached differently to share the gospel.

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