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Big Book of Math

A Historical Timeline of Math, Science, and Technology

Contributor Katherine Loop Hannon
List Price: $32.99
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  • Format: Softcover
  • Dimensions: 8.5" x 14"
  • Length: 21 pages
  • Ages: Teens – Adults
  • Publisher: Master Books
  • Published: 2024
  • ID: 3000424
  • SKU: 3000424
  • ISBN: 9781683443261
  • UPC:

This full-color, 15-foot timeline of math history provides a visual map that goes beyond formulas and theories to help you explore the incredible way this area of study has helped men explore God’s consistent creation and complete real-life tasks.


From creation onwards, math has affected history, fueling ancient empires, facilitating scientific innovations, and propelling advanced technology. It helps us glimpse the distant wonders of the observable universe and helps us see how much more there is to learn about God’s creation! And the Bible gives us the key to understanding why math is even possible and how it points to the Creator.

Explore: This full-color timeline of math history provides a visual map that goes beyond formulas and theories to help you explore the incredible way this area of study has helped men explore God’s consistent creation and complete real-life tasks. From creation onwards, math has affected history, fueling ancient empires, facilitating scientific innovations, and propelling advanced technology. It helps us glimpse the distant wonders of the observable universe and helps us see how much more there is to learn about God’s creation! And the Bible gives us the key to understanding why math is even possible and how it points to the Creator.

Discover: Mathematicians and the history behind math methods and notations; its application, both the expected and unexpected; cutting-edge inventors and innovators; and much more. Even lingering unknowns await as you discover crucial past and present math connections within music, sports, weather, manufacturing, medicine, artificial intelligence, earth exploration, and much, much more!

Learn: Open this amazingly detailed chart and embark on an engaging journey through the milestones of mathematics. Enjoy this continuous quest for understanding the quantities and consistencies that govern God’s amazing world.

Includes a helpful guide with additional information and suggested activities. Read, explore, discover, and learn!

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If you have seen the layout of the Big Book of History, this is the same concept. My daughter is currently using the big book of History with another course and couldn’t believe there was so much information on math! So this was a perfect excuse to introduce her to this timeline! Math can be a subject that my kids instantly want to reject, so I was very interested in other ways of explaining its importance, how it is weaved through creation, and facts that can connect them to what they are learning. The timeline of course begins at creation and has 4 different strands that follow throughout the timeline: science and tech, mathematician and scientists, world events and math happenings.

The layout is very eye appealing and got my kids attention immediately. My kiddos really enjoyed seeing real life applications with math that backs up the tower of babel, the ark, geometry and the pyramids, the steam engine and navigation to name a few.

The guide that accompanies this book helps you incorporate this into your studies. This could be an every Friday kind of subject tackling a panel a week, it could be a wonderful morning basket addition or even pull it out as your child is introduced to a new math concept! The guide goes through each panel, its subject matter and goes into detail the specific things that are on each section of that panel. This is a wonderful timeline/book to have on hand!


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