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Ark Giraffe Plush Family Pack

List Price: $93.96
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  • Format: Gift
  • Dimensions:
  • Ages: 3 and up
  • ID: 1005174
  • SKU: 27-T-FAM
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

Take the Giraffe family on your next adventure with these keepsake plush toys (and keep an eye out—you may just see them on TV!)

What’s Included $94 value


Meet the Giraffe Family

George, Gloria, Gracie, and Junior are the Ark Encounter's fun-loving giraffe mascots—and they're used to being the tallest ones around. But at the Ark Encounter they had to think bigger! Longer than a football field and over four stories high, the life-size Ark towers over everyone, even a giraffe. Take the Giraffe family on your next adventure with these keepsake plush toys (and keep an eye out—you may just see them on TV!

The Giraffe Family plush toys are also available at the Ark Encounter Gift Shop. The Ark Encounter is located in Williamstown, Kentucky. For more information visit arkencounter.com

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