A sad irony exists in our culture. During the month of June, we constantly see messaging about being “inclusive” and “tolerant” of everyone, no matter their “sexual orientation,” gender, weight, skin shade, or other claimed “identity.” And yet, at the same time, many in our culture think that it’s perfectly acceptable to allow for the abortion (killing) of certain children in the womb simply because they are expected to be born with a disability of some kind. So “inclusion” and “tolerance” are the values of the day—except when they aren’t!
Consider a recent news item that shared that in Scotland, abortion is normally legal only up to 24 weeks gestational age, but babies who are diagnosed with a disability can be killed up until birth. The discrimination against those with disabilities begins in the womb when mothers are given a longer “kill window” for their unborn babies.
Here in the US, babies with disabilities are often listed as reasons why we need to keep abortion legal. But a baby with a disability is just as much made in God’s image, fearfully and wonderfully, as you or I. A human life doesn’t cease to have value because that person will have Down Syndrome, or a cleft palate, or any other disability commonly cited as a reason for abortion. A person’s value is fixed in the immutable fact that they are created in God’s very image—not in their perceived “quality of life,” their able-bodied-ness, their contribution to society, or anything else.
A person’s value is fixed in the immutable fact that they are created in God’s very image—not in their perceived “quality of life,” their able-bodied-ness, their contribution to society, or anything else.
A child’s life should not be exterminated because of a disability—that is evil (and is just another version of eugenics!). But what about the tragic cases where the child’s disability will result in death at birth? Well, that child should be loved and cared for every day of their life (they are already alive in the womb!) and then held in loving arms while they pass from this life to eternity. Their short life should be honored and marked by the love a parent should have for their child, not cruelly ended by the barbarous practice of abortion! You don’t end a dying child’s life early—you care for them until natural death.
The discrimination against the unborn with disabilities needs to come to an end! Abortion is murder whether that child is healthy or sick, newly conceived or at 24-weeks or full-term (or anywhere in between), or wanted or unwanted. Each human life has value because we’re made in the image of God.
Also, everyone needs to know and understand that all members of the human race have a terrible defect—sin. And this defect results in our death. But Jesus dealt with that defect on the cross and offers a free gift of salvation so we can be a new creation!
This item was discussed today on Answers News with cohosts Bryan Osborne, Kevin Hadsall, and Rob Webb. Answers News is our weekly news program filmed live before a studio audience here at the Creation Museum, broadcast on our Answers in Genesis YouTube channel, and posted to Answers TV. We also covered the following topics:
Be sure to join us each Monday at 2 p.m. (ET) on YouTube or later that day on Answers TV for Answers News. You won’t want to miss this unique news program that gives science and culture news from a distinctly biblical and Christian perspective.
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This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
Scientists have just named a brand-new species of mining bee (small bees that are very important pollinators): Andrena androfovea.
In the UK and Alberta, Canada, rulings have been passed down to protect children who believe they are transgender from taking drugs and undergoing surgery to irrevocably change their bodies.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.