Volunteers really make a difference!

We at Answers in Genesis are blessed to be able to get to know two friends of the ministry, Edgar and Marilyn Nernberg, very well this summer!

NernbergsWe at Answers in Genesis are blessed to be able to get to know two friends of the ministry, Edgar and Marilyn Nernberg, very well this summer! Edgar and Marilyn traveled to Florence, KY from Manitoba, Canada to spend six months working as volunteers on the museum project!

Edgar, a retired farmer, has worked around heavy equipment all of his life and has all kinds of practical skills to lend to the ministry while he is here. Marilyn, in addition to other skills, is computer savvy and has quickly picked up on some of the programs we use in the Museum department, doing data entry and other tasks. They have been staying in their '5th wheel' home away from home in the front yard of our mission house next to the museum property.

EdgarIn the short time they have been here (since May), they have already been of tremendous help to the ministry! They are currently assisting with the big move to consolidate the storage space and operations of several warehouses into one larger warehouse in the same building as our current headquarters. Edgar has been operating the forklift while assembling the pallet racking and unloading trucks.

The dedication of volunteers like Edgar and Marilyn, and many others, has been essential to the efficient operation of this ministry! Praise God for sending His servants to help in this important Kingdom work!

If you would like to find out more about volunteer opportunities here at AiG please contact us.


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