Children Saved Using an AiG Book from the CHEA Convention July 8 & 9!

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“I just wanted to thank Ken Ham for his wonderful messages at the CHEA convention this past weekend …”

I just wanted to thank Ken Ham for his wonderful messages at the CHEA convention this past weekend (July 8 and 9) and also to let him know what an impact his ministry has already made in our family! My husband and I purchased a copy of the book "A is for Adam" at this convention. On Monday morning I sat down with my 3 girls and read them this book. When we got to the end of the story, my 2 older girls (ages 6-1/2 and 9) both expressed their desire to commit their lives to Jesus and I helped them pray a prayer of commitment. So thank you, Ken Ham! Your ministry is AWESOME and I'm praising God for you and what one of your books helped facilitate in my family! :-)

Pam Cole
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA


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