Where in the church are we refuting this? Well, AiG is equipping us to do that. I believe I am going to start a new small group study.
I just attended the afternoon session with Ken Ham, et all in Baltimore, MD on Saturday August 4. The one session with Ham on Creation Evangelism brought so many things together so concisely. Our church is growing so fast, and we realize that to reach this world we can't "do church" like it has always been done. But this one element, I believe, is still missing. I was just sitting there wondering how many people in my church subscribed to "TIME" magazine and read the article in the July 23 issue about the "new" ape man that has been found. Where in the church are we refuting this? Well, AiG is equipping us to do that. I believe I am going to start a new small group study, as well as a normal Sunday morning session ("today in 'science'"?) on this topic.
Thank you so much!!!!!!
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.