A New Name in the Creation Family

on March 5, 2006

Former Answers in Genesis ministries have changed their names to Creation Ministries International (CMI).

You may have already noticed that some of the former Answers in Genesis ministries have changed their names to Creation Ministries International (CMI). Under new board leadership, the CMI ministries have philosophical and operational policies that have them moving forward with unique goals and objectives.

The boards and staffs of Answers in Genesis–USA and the United Kingdom will continue to pray for God's rich blessings on our brothers and sisters in CMI as they seek His perfect will for their ministries.

As the fastest-growing creation ministries in the world, AiG–USA and AiG–UK will continue to focus on their respective national ministries—and to seek further worldwide ministry outlets. We are excited about all of the opportunities that God is presenting to us and other creation groups in these important times.

This AiG website continues to set the standard for creation answers throughout the world, and we have an ever-expanding list of ideas to keep this vibrant international tool on the cutting edge in an ever-changing web environment.

In addition, we are encouraged by the excited response we have already received about our newest innovation, ANSWERS magazine. This new tool to present the biblical worldview and the creation/gospel message will impact our culture and bless readers worldwide (as does Creation magazine, still offered by CMI) .

God continues to use creation ministries to awaken and equip the church, and we encourage our friends at CMI as they serve the Lord.


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