Gary Parker, a pioneer in creation research, will be speaking at the Creation Museum. Find out more.
Dr. Gary Parker
One of the most-asked questions we receive about visiting the Creation Museum is: what’s the best day to tour? You see, some people have heard about the large museum crowds on Fridays and Saturdays and ask if there is a better day to visit.
First, we point out that we are well past the busy summer season, where children and adults can sometimes number over 3,000 at the museum in a day. But even then, we’ve been able to keep the lines from becoming too long on the busiest days.
More recently, many people have been planning their museum trip around the special talks that are frequently given at the museum. We want to alert you to one upcoming special day at the museum that has just been arranged.
On Thursday, October 9, Dr. Gary Parker, considered to be one of the finest creation speakers of the past 30 years (in the 1990s, he worked full time with us and helped AiG get kick-started as a new ministry), will be giving special science lectures at the museum. His talks are fascinating and highly entertaining—and full of Dr. Parker’s trademark humor.
The talks (which are free for ticket holders and museum members) on October 9 are:
Here is a unique opportunity to learn from a creationist pioneer (and a former evolutionist, who once wrote widely used textbooks on evolution) as he gives his superb talks. Then pick up a copy of his excellent book Creation: Facts of Life in our museum bookstore and have him sign it for you.
Find out more about this exceptional communicator (his talks are for suggested ages 12 and up) on his biography page.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.